Sunday, July 31, 2011

What things might a teenage boy might hide from his parents?

We all know that giving up your childhood and letting yourself in to adolescence is a part of growing up. Things are changing from ourselves, not just physically but all other aspects of a person going to be a teen. In teenage gap, teenagers are active and curios when it comes to many things. They changed attitude, choose things from their own decisions and click to many exciting things. They learn more because they are curios and there mind are more active to absorb things and activities and they knew how to apply it in real lives.

In case of a boy, who comes along in a teenage gap, he surely lot of new things learned from his friends. I experienced those things when I was in the starting line and I do things secretly just as a normal teenage boy. You know, when you are being a teenager, that you can’t do such things if you can’t hide it. You hide things because they are bad, they are not acceptable to anyone but your friends, but that was just the case or consequences around being a teenager. But what does a teenage boy might hide from his parents? I list down some things though there are some and such things that can’t be mention either.

Drugs. This may be the dangerous and unacceptable thing to any parent if their son is taking drugs and that will be a disaster between parents and the teenage boy. Generally, drugs have different effect to anyone, to our body and for sure it will not benefit us. What will be the effect of it for a teenage boy? There are only two answers: a short time pleasure or a lifetime disorder. A teenage boy who is taking drugs will surely hide those things from his parents because he doesn’t want to go to rehab. Sometimes with lack of self-respect and discipline, a teenage boy might help his problems through a drug and when he got the answers from them, it will be a bad habit. Parents should also provide good guidance to their sons and take out things that might affect their sons and end up in a prison.

Girlfriend. This may be the top of the list when it comes to the title. Some teenage boys are shy to let their parents know about the things may happen to them. Especially when it comes to a teenage boy love life, commonly they hide things and don’t tell things about their crushes or girlfriend to their parents. When I was in high school, I have my first girlfriend but I didn’t tell my mom about that. But when the relationship grows, the more gossips came to my mom. Though, I knew to myself that my mom knows about my girlfriend I’m still shy about it. But after that relationship, I now told my mom about the next relations I got that time. Sure things happens to other teenage boy of course, I experienced it that is why I knew what other teenage boys felt.

Dirty Magazines/DVDs. This may be another dirty thing from a teenage boy. Practically, knowing sex is a part of growing up that is why their still the undying debate about sex education. A teenage boy might be that aggressive when it comes to curiosity. So things that aren’t made for them may be taken by them also. That is why they will know a lot of things that other people do, especially those unusual things that aren’t for them. Actually it is more influential for a teenage boy to mimic something when it comes to another same teenage boy rather than the real adult out there. Dirty magazines or DVDs may come from their co-teenage boys also where they choose to begin bad attitudes because of lack of support and guidance from their parents.

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