Taking a long trip with you family will surely be a long waste of time and experience of boredom for some if they don’t get some fun in this long course. Especially if you are not practice in a long trip, you’ll surely find something to do or you are not going to stare outside the window all the time until you finally arrived to your destination. But actually, there are things you might do inside while taking a long trip with your family aside from staring outside the windows, counting on road signs etc. A person might do the following things at least twice in the course of a long car ride with family:

Fall Asleep. Inside a car taking a long course, there is a big possibility that you might fall asleep. You might fall asleep by the boredom because you can’t find something that will take away the boredom and will satisfy you in the trip. Sometimes, you fall asleep while you are staring outside the window counting on roadside or finding something that will amaze you. You fall asleep while listening in the music or singing a song. You fall asleep while watching some shows or movies. You fall asleep while listening to your parent’s conversation or sermon and many more. In short, you fall asleep because you don’t want the atmosphere around you and you just want to close your eyes and escape the reality for some short period of time.
Making a pit stop. This is maybe a freedom for a person who is likely imprisoned inside boredom while taking a long course or trip with your family. Surely for sure, you take in first some fresh air, inhale and exhale, once and twice more after you stepped outside the car. For another common reason that you made a stop are that you’ll want to burst out something inside your body, or you just wanted to pee first. Usually making a stop doesn’t take too long in time, so you will surely grab every chances and opportunity for something. For some other reason, you make a stop to buy some food for the others or for yourself, you are tired of driving the car sitting and stepping in gas and brakes, you are receiving an emergency call, you think of something you might forget, or in worst cases the car stopped because of the engine, flat wheels, no brakes and no gas or no fuel.
Get food. This is the part you may do in a long course of a car with your family. The best way to not get bored is to grab something you can eat and fill your tummy. Listening to music, falling asleep, and staying inside a car just sitting will make some growl in your tummy, in short you need to feel it up because you are just hungry.
Fight. In some cases, sisters and brothers are always away from each other at their child age. They are always fighting for something while in long course of a car with the family. Usually when they are really opposite to each other, they are greatly possible to fight on something and ended up with some baby cry around or a sermon from their parents. But sometimes, it is usually the cases in long trips. You can’t take it away in your children anyway but it is worst if parents will do.
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