Monday, July 25, 2011

Signs of falling in love

Can you ever imagine how you start or begin fell in love with someone? I am sure that you didn’t know but the experienced how it goes there is still the same. People have its own different feelings for someone when they are starting to fall in love that is why you can’t say that you know that that someone is falling in love with anyone. Here I list some of “S” things that can be a sign that you might falling in love with someone.

He/She stares. You know already when you are staring at someone but differently when you are staring at someone you like or love. When he/she glance at you, you feel like he/she stares at you for a long time. It’s just like your dream boy/girl has been caught glued his/her eyes at you. Though you knew that it was a glance, you can feel it to yourself that he/she stares at you for a time. It sometimes happen when you almost thinking and hoping that he/she would glance at you and have a little eye contact for a moment.

He/She stays. When staying at a corner waiting for someone, there is some time that your crush or someone you like or love happens to walk in front of you. You knew it even if you are doing something because you knew what he/she smells, what he/she wears etc. When he/she walk in front of you, it doesn’t feel like a flash because you may feel stunned and might see in your head that he/she stays and standing still in front of you though he/she already passed you out. You know, his/her image remains in your head and once forgot you take a look back and look for him/her that he/she actually passed you out.

He/She sings. We know that a conversation with someone we have a crush on or someone we like or love is just like forever dating him/her face to face. You can hear his/her voice playing again and again in your head. When he/she just talk to you, you feel like he/she sings love lyrics to you and it played on your head repeatedly. Sometimes when he/she is talking to you, you can hear on your head some melodies and his/her voice is rhymed and connected to the melody you hear.

He/She says. This is the best thing you can feel for someone you like or live or someone you have a crush on. When he/she smiles at you, it’s just like a picture perfect for you, and even if he/she is just smiling at you, you can hear that he/she says something like “I love you” or “I like you” which is the best if happened in reality. But our mind sometimes drives us really crazy when we fell in love for someone that we think any impossible things that we could imagine of.

He/She stops. Just like when he/she walks in front of you and then the feeling of she stays still or he/she stops and remain standing in front of you, this time when he/she sits beside you or near you. When he/she just sit beside you and suddenly leave, you feel like he/she stops and stayed up beside you but in your imagination he/she was closer to you. Sometimes it is one of our happiness that someone we love or like or someone we have crush on will stay or just sit to our side or near us for a moment. It will be a feeling of flying or floating in the clouds.

He/She sparks. This may be the crazy and unbelievable among all signs. When you see him/her with his near-perfect face and with his/her body, sometimes it comes along to your imaginations that he is sparkling with lights like diamonds. You think that he/she is so precious that he/she even shines like a star when you are looking at him/her. It can drive you with some drop-jaw and an amazed smile.

Sometimes we have our own way of imagination when we are starting to fall in love. But basically, we are just thinking or getting over him/her always that is why the love and its spell drives us crazy and that is true. People have their own sweet experiences when they start to fell in love with someone.

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