To our modern world, calculators are basic machines used to measure quantities applied in different field and styles. People used calculator for many purposes where it gives you the calculated amount you were looking for. Student basically used calculators to solve and calculate more accurate solutions and to solve even faster. Just point up the numbers and the desired operation then press the “=” button and there you have the answer. As easy as it is, that is why it is used for a lot in every field were calculation is present.
In the history of calculating machines, calculators have come the best and most effective way of solving and calculating digits. Abacus is the oldest calculating device that is still known in some people here in our planet. This calculating machine is manually operated were you can’t find digits or buttons but beads sealed linearly set in rows. They place the beads in every row and come with an accurate answer. But when it comes to quality and usage, abacus is far away from calculators.
Calculators may come from different kinds and styles. There we have the basic calculator, were it has the number digits from 0 to 9, the basic mathematical operation digits which are the addition (+ sign), subtraction (- sign), multiplication (X sign) and division (
sign). This basic calculator also comes with some reset button were it reset back to 0 after the operation. This is commonly used in stores in computing summations of the product’s prices and for calculating the change of the customer. Sometimes it is also used in some companies were they summarize all their reference which is written in digits.

Scientific calculator is a kind of calculator which has more function than basic calculator. It has its own functional digits designed to calculate angles etc. This goes with some more complicated mathematical operations in some fields of engineering like trigonometry and algebra. It has function keys like tan, cos, sin, x2, nPr, ln, log, etc. which is more complicated than basic calculator keys. This is ever better than basic calculator because if you knew how to operate a scientific calculator, you will benefit every functional keys of it. Scientific calculators have its own mode systems where you can set the calculation like for an equations, graph, fractions, etc. Students in higher years are often use scientific calculators for their own purposes and because of its good features to solve applicable problems and give accurate solutions and answers.
If you don’t want to become handy and physical when it comes to calculating machines, you can have software calculator. This is software that can be installed on your phones, computers and laptops. Just like the other calculators that I mentioned recently, software calculators offers the same benefits but is more functional than scientific and basic calculators. Unlike the other calculators, this has its specification of problems and can have shown you solutions and graphs how it came with the answer. Software calculators are often used by students out there which are looking for better explanation of works and solutions. You can have written the equation or problem and the let alone the software calculator do it for you.
Calculators are designed to help us in calculating things but we must remember that we must still know the basic mathematical operations and much better if we know how to solve problems and equations without the help and aid of calculators. Sometimes it has the bad effect of laziness to some students because calculators just give those answers but not solutions which are confusing in the part of those who don’t know the solutions and ways why it came to that answer. Better to study on things and use calculators for answer check not for final answers.
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