Sunday, July 31, 2011

What foods that you put ketchup to add spice?

Some people love to put some taste on their food to boost up the taste of it so it can be more fun and delicious to eat. There are lot of spices you can add to your food to make it taste better. There are sauces and sprinkles made from unique ingredients. These enhancements are from different countries from their different tradition but there are some enhancements that became generally used worldwide like ketchup, oyster sauce, hot sauce, etc. They are widely used in every place here around the world for every purpose and every desire.

Ketchup is one of widely used enhancement to boost up a food’s taste. There have been ways to produce ketchup, from the content and flavour. People love to put ketchup to their food to produce a different taste from it. I list here the common foods that people love to put ketchup on to produce an enhanced taste.

Fried food. This is the common food you may put ketchup on. Here in the Philippines, ketchup is the basic sauce and became traditionally enhancing fried foods to a greater taste. There is a commercial that says ‘alone with your food fried, makes your meal dried’ and I believe in that. Even me, I can’t eat just a cup of rice and a fried one without any sauce on it so I always find ketchup to add some fluids on my food, which is my favourite sauce among others. Some used soy sauce here, with calamansi, but I refer to used ketchup, not too salty, not too bitter and not too sweet for everyone. It will make your dried meal a flood one I guess, and will satisfy you also. Just like any other fast food chains, they refer to offer free ketchup than any other for fried foods like fried chicken, fried fish, fried egg, etc. rather than gravy and other sauces.

Burger. This is the second place in my list were you can put ketchup, with different flavours. As my favourite sauce, I always refer to you ketchup and even if I eat burgers. Sometimes I put some hot ketchup because I love to eat spicy things because it adds some of my appetite to eat. Some people who ordered burger in a fast food chain used to refer ketchup on their food, not because it is available and free, not because it is traditional, but because ketchup is a very good enhancer for your burger. Here, there are lot different ketchups like hot and spicy ketchup which is my favourite when eating a burger, banana ketchup which I refer because of its unique sweetness when eating burger when hot and spicy one is not available around. There are other ketchup flavours you can try when eating a burger but I suggest putting just a little amount of spicy flavour to boost up your appetite in eating.

Spaghetti. When I see my older sister tries to put some ketchup on her spaghetti, I tempted to do it on mine and I get a nice result from it. I know there is a specific sauce, different sauce, for spaghetti but when I tried to add some amount of ketchup on the sauce, just a little amount of it and the taste comes different but more delicious. There is a ketchup, or improved ketchup that not just used as a sauce but used when cooking to produce a different taste on your food. This is new in the market, the ‘cook and dip’ version of ketchup, were you can dip foods and you can cook it with your food. Sometimes there are cooks that put ketchups on sauces of spaghetti to produce a great taste. But sometimes, when the spaghetti sauce is not that tasteful, some adds ketchup to it which enhances its taste. For a better taste, try to cook spaghetti sauce with ketchup, and when mixing with the pasta, add some amount of flavoured ketchup.

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