Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Clothes that you wear more than once before washing it

1.       Jeans. Many people usually don’t wash it right after they wore it just for once. That’s why it is in the top list. Teens are usually the ones who are wearing jeans twice or rather many more times before washing it. For some instances, jeans are just not for a long term wear of clothing. It may be for a short time, wearing in just a moment in a party, a celebration, for shopping and many more. At the first time of used, people will either check the jean if there is anything undesirable and in need to be washed of. If there is a small piece of dirt, it will be hang again for sure. For a larger dirt around, it will still hanged. But people depends also in the visibility of the dirt on their jeans whether it will be visible in public, for sure it will need to be washed and if it is not visible, it will be used again for sure for its second usage. Better to wash those used clothes than to get teased and got some rushes around your legs.

2.       Shirt. For some reasons, the thing a shirt will be wear once more is that it’s still clean and neat. No dirt around the front body and the back, no other smell aside from its natural odor and other signature perfume around. Usually, shirt and jeans are the ones who always wear more than once but the shirt is dependable among different persons. It is still worst for some people that a shirt will wear more than once because of the some undesirable factors. Wearing a shirt more than once is like growing your own microbes around your upper body. Best to wear your shirt once and wash it neatly after you used it before you see yourself with some skin diseases.

3.       Coat. For a usual occasion, a formal rather, coats are the top dress of these moments. But this dress is the same in any other things that we wear around our body, just like shirt and jeans. Coats are clothes we usually wear in formal occasions and celebrations and any other parties that it may do, not considering the public impressions to you. People commonly wear coats not once but as many more because: it is still clean and neat; no undesirable and disgusting smell; and will surely need in the next few minutes rather than hours. But it may save your time washing it and then using it again in the next occasion but using it and wearing it many times with unknown contacts to it, it will be a case in your skin. Still, it is best to wash your clothes after you once wore it.

4.       Bra. Some women are often using bra and the rest, surely they don’t use any bra, or maybe any other things they can hide it. The thing is that some other girls really wear there bras more than once but twice or even more, that will be the worst. For girls, it will be a time saving habit to not wash clothes after a single used of it. It is a part of underwear and it will be a bad image for a girl to use her bra many times before washing it. It will be too disgusting for the boys. For some girl reasons, using your bra once more will take lessen you time consumption but there is still side effect from that. Commonly, skin diseases like rushes are the one you can get on using bra that may cause implication on your other diseases. Best to wear anything once, specially to the girls that they repeating the usage of their underwear, it is really disgusting for the public.

5.       Sock. Socks are known to be in the fireplace when Christmas is coming. But it is also a form of clothing needed to be washed to after using it once. Feet are the most tired part of our body because of its role in standing, walking, etc. so I’m sure that using socks will protect them from any harmful unexpected accidents. Socks are also one of the top most disgusting smells ever had after using it in a very long time or either short term periods. But I’m telling you, if you don’t want your feet to smells like a dead rat, better to keep them clean and neat, always wash them after you once used them. 

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