Saturday, July 23, 2011

What might you see that would make you get out of the water while swimming in the ocean?

Swimming is one of many habits of people around the world. It is a joyful activity since our planet is composed actually of many bodies of water especially ocean. People go the beach to swim and to have fun surfing. A kid may enjoy the ocean too rather than pools. Ocean is the basic place where people swim a lot of times maybe because it is calm there and less people around. But before you go in the midst of the ocean, make sure that are a good swimmer and not that a beginner because there are lot of incidents that you didn’t know. But for sure there are lot of safe ocean areas around your vicinity that will surely make you not just to swim but to go fishing, go surfing and many more water activities.

As people go to the ocean, their still the danger from unnecessary happenings around that you might didn’t know for sure. But while swimming in the ocean, people are sometimes scared of what they saw that are unusual to them. But what might people see that would surely make them in haste to get out of the water?

Shark. People know that sharks are dangerous animal and it is resistant to control, very aggressive thing. Hundred percent you will get out of the water if you saw some shark figure swimming around your area or you saw some swimming fins around you. The worst case of you saw the fin swimming towards you, better to get out of the water quickly. We all know some incidents of shark attacks in many areas of the ocean around the world so if you will go swimming, make sure that you have the history of the place and better to go with some friends or family relatives. Sharks are aggressive predators that will surely eat you if they found you swimming and floating around their area. This animal is the most dangerous one in the water world.

Whale. For all of my life swimming in the ocean, I didn’t see a whale yet but I know what they are. A whale is a huge mammal that lives deep in the ocean but unlike shark, they are not as aggressive as they are. Whales are sometimes goes up and take some play around flipping there fins and tails and were some people love to watch. They eat small fishes but I don’t think they want to eat humans; there isn’t any news about that. Physically, as they are really huge water animal, you will sure be scared if you see one of them swimming right underneath were you are swimming in the ocean. You can’t even move or you have been shocked from the thing you saw but the thrill will get you out of the water.

Sea turtle. As I said recently, people are somewhat scared of things that are unusual to them and then come along to their sight like a ghost. People are scared of some objects that they know is harmful or dangerous to them. Sea turtles are unusual animals to those persons who are first timer to swim in the ocean, especially if they don’t know any history of the place. Sea turtles can be as large as a kid or even larger so when a person swimming not that deep and saw some sea turtles, it’s funny to say that they will run to their boats. Just like whales, they are friendly animals that don’t hurt people around them.

Jellyfish. In some ways, people are scared of these little cute things called jellyfish. Maybe these people are not aware of what jellyfish are. But there are jellies that are venomous and can be harmful for us if any contact made from its tentacles. But other people love to play with it and have some fun or make them pets. It is just unusual that you find some sticky things in a deep ocean floating and leeching to you.

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