Thursday, November 24, 2011

Rainbow after the storm

Yesterday, the atmosphere with my girlfriend was dull and sad. I can say it as dull because she can't even say a sentence and I am just the only one talking and she don't even reply. I know it was all about her problem, but I said that I can't do anything but to support and comfort her. She might just expressing his madness I think because of the situation and I understand that.

Recently in school I noticed that she is already alright and in good condition. Smiling, happy and having confidence to herself. I know that she can surpass her emotions and yesterday was the time that she will think more positively in her own way. She said that she just wanted to express her feelings (though it was not good because her words hurts me really) and I am the only one she can lean on. I can't do anything about that and if only I know that that is her purpose I can say and do better things for her. But I accepted it and I always understand her as it is part of her personality.

Maybe, she is now recovering herself about that problem and I am very supportive about that. I know God has the purpose for all the good and bad things that is happening around us. And now she is back, I am thanking God for answering my prayers, to help her in her worst and overcome her emotions. At least it will help her though that cannot resolve her problem.

Sometimes we're very down, worst and sad,
But there are hopes and that's all we have,
God has a purpose in everything around us,
Let's just believe in all the miracles He has

There are rainbows after some storms, and the light reveals the beauty of all kind. We should not lose hope for God didn't lose hope on us.

One single mistake, Takes all

Last Monday we had a quiz in our Circuit subject. It was  written quiz with two parts: one is definition and the second part is solving. The first part instructs us to define the following five terms in circuits. It was easy for me because those terms are very known and you can define it in your own terms. The second part of the quiz, which is solving, give some worries though I'm a little confident that I could perfect the exam. I solved the five solving problems without any hesitation though I have the worry that my answers are wrong but almost 95% is sure.

And recently, in our circuit subject we checked that quiz and do some lectures. The checking takes some time but it is normal for us because it is a solving problem and it has a long and complicated solution. The first two solving items was easy and I got it right. When the third problem goes in check, I was shock that I was wrong so I reviewed my solution if I got wrong in my process. For the first check, I can't see any problem with my answer but later on I have noticed one simple mistake that made the whole solution wrong.

It was just the operation that the two terms should be minus but I divided it. And now the checking was done, that's the only mistake I have. I should've divided it so I will get the highest and perfect score in that quiz in our class. But what's done is done, I can't do anything for that.

Simple mistakes if not notice early,
Big problems will appear quickly,
But to accept things will be the best way,
Not that you're weak but strong you say!

We must accept things about things we've done wrong. We should forgive ourselves about our own mistakes and accept it as a lesson for us.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Express the Blame

I just watched a very inspirational movie "The Grace Card" and it made my eyes watery. Its a very good choice must watch movies if you are losing hopes or never been get over from some terrific thing. The story plays a two policemen, a white man and a black man, opposite with each other when it comes in some aspects. But when problem comes, they didn't know that God made its purpose and that they didn't see it coming. Bind from guilt and hatred, they renewed themselves through a prayer and worship to Him and He granted and blessed the two.

There is one thing in my mind when I am watching the movie, the thing about my girlfriend. I wrote yesterday about the problem but the problem was happened too long ago. Though, we are trying our best to fix that problem, it seems to be that we are just longing the pain and hopes. She can't get over with it and I am so worried about that. She didn't talk so what do I listen from her? I can just give her advise but same thing always happen.

I know it is inevitable for her, because i know its difficult to accept. Can't forgive herself for those mistakes and that may bear her some negative thoughts. Blaming things up, keep things in regret and never remind for forgiveness. I can understand her for the situation but things might go worse if not threaten early. I am advising her to take some activities that can take away her attention from that problem and I am still advising her to accept the situation and forgive herself.

We might be in our lowest, we might be in our worst;
But don't let the pain bears another pain of yours,
Accept and forgive the things around us and don't ever give up,
For He never given up on us and always carry us with His love

We should accept things and ask for forgiveness. Appreciation of things and forgiveness are from grace and God's grace is the most powerful.

Christmas party early set

It was a good day for God gave me so much blessings. Thanks to Him things are good.

Christmas is on its way and we are just counting days. Recently we have agreed that our class should organize a Christmas party with one of our professor. It was my classmate that made the discussion to a meeting of organizing a Christmas party. It was too early but it is better that it makes more time to prepare for it.

We discuss most about the food and other stuffs are quite. Traditionally, here in the Philippines we always celebrating Christmas parties just as simple as it is. Feast, games and fun stuffs, exchange gifts, and other entertainment and programs. I might suggest that we could actually do an activity that can ensure the true meaning of Christmas which is "love and sharing."

We prepare feast for us to eat best seasonal food that you could eat just a time in year. We prepare games and stuffs for fun and entertainment. We prepare programs for further entertainment. We prepare and perform exchange gifts just to show the value of sharing during Christmas. But, the love and respect that our beloved God was born in that day was always missing.

We can have fun for those stuffs but why do we celebrate Christmas at all? It is because of Him reminding us for His greatness. We should be aware of these things at all, but as time goes by it was not practiced at all. We should not forget this despite of our own or group desires during Christmas. Maybe we could offer the celebration for praising, worshiping and thanking Him for all He have done to us.

Show the real value of  true Christmas,
Share love and forget over tragic pasts,
Remind yourself for the greatness that He was born,
Believe in Him and you will never be alone

Let celebrate and welcome the Lord for He shall be praise!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hardship in Difficult Times

I don't actually think negatively in some things or losing hopes especially if it is not the end of something. My girlfriend is suffering from a serious problem and I can't help her with it, maybe mere support may do but the thing is, we can't do anything but wait and wait for the result. She did all the possibilities to fix it but there are small amount of hopes. And now she is sad and tired.

In our years in college, she always been studying hard because she wanted to graduate with an honor of Cumlaude. But now, this hope is gone because of a simple mistake. We are making everything to fix this but it seems to be so hard because of some impossibilities that might happen and we both scared of it. The error is just a simple fault but this'll bring her doom for the rest of her life if not fix (I will not post the whole story for some security).

I also have the chance to become a Cumlaude but not hoping for that honors, but for her it was everything and now she always feel tired because of that. She always cry when we talks about it and I felt sad because I can't do anything. I wanted to comfort her but my advises don't work for her. Maybe she can handle it her own but I can sense her inside that she can't and it slowly breaks her heart.

There are times that we are so down, no hopes and chances, but to think positively and believing for His will, we can overcome these fears and problems. Prayer can move mountains and it is always been. Just think about the goodness that awaits ahead whenever we feel down. Don't stop when you fall down. Don't stop when you already achieve something. Keep going with His guidance and faith for it will bear a beautiful thing.

We might fall in quick and really bad,
But we can fight and go for all we had,
We can be in danger in times of unknown,
But we can escape and solve it without fears shown

Fears may brought us to good and bad, but thinking positively in things might cause any luck, not just hopes.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Low Pressure Area will not pursue but still rain continues

The Low Pressure Area (LPA) will not pursue anymore towards our country but it is expected that there will be rainy days on the next days.

According to PAGASA, the Low Pressure Area (LPA) was last spotted based on satellite and surface data 180 kilometers south east of Coron, Palawan.

PAGASA explained that the weather systems carries a very large radius of clouds that make rains so they warned the public that expect more than normal rains in the next days.

They also warned the public of possible floods and landslides especially those inhabitants from Luzon, to the Western part of Visayas.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Google Translate Beatbox

Ever heard of Google rocking the club? I just tried to test their audio when it highlights a word when I put the cursor to their audio icon. The word says "Beatbox."

I tried to put some English words but Google Translate just read those words so when I tried to play with it writing down non-English words just a random letters it sounds like a real human beatbox.

The first words that I wrote has vowels on it that Google Translate read some of it so I tried to remove those vowel letter and it work!

How it works? just follow the following steps:

1. Go to "Google Translate"
2. Select the language From: German To: Filipino
3. Type these words on the first box: pps tsk psk fkf tsk psk fkf tsk psk fkf tsk psk fkf tsk psk fkf tsk psk fkf kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ps
4. Click the audio icon at the right bottom of the box. (See image at the top)

Note: You can create and discover your own rhyme. Just play with it!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What does a teenager do whenever at depression?

Depression is a stage where we are experiencing such stress about things in our lives. We all know about this already because we are certain that we already experience it in some time. People are different when it comes to reactions and how they mind and body response when they are in depression.

Teenagers when in times of depression are mostly emotional in their way unlike other ages that goes differently in their reactions when experiencing depression. Teenagers do things which are commonly in good and bad conditions in which they may benefit or not.

There are some common reactions of teenagers when they are in times of depression. These reactions are emotionally shown and that their mind and body just reacted through these emotions. A teenager might do things when in depression like:

Cry. Teenage girls are psychologically more emotional in nature than teenage boys. They used to cry to express what they feel inside because crying is very effective for them to throw away depression and stress. Crying is one way to express and to throw away things which are bad inside the emotional world of a person. Besides, crying is also a relief for a person that pouring out tears is often relaxes mind and throwing away the anxieties.

Some teenage boys cry too but not that too emotional unlike the teenage girls which cry too emotional. Boys do have emotions but it is in their nature that when depressed they do things differently in girls.

Uncontrollable hobby. Some teenagers mostly reacted in positive way when they are depressed. Most of these teenagers often used to do things which they feel it will remove and throw away their depression. These things are likely their hobbies like eating, watching movies, playing games, shopping, travel, etc. It is most effective when they are with others who appreciate their hobbies, in those way anxieties and worries are easy to fade.

These become in nature because a person which is experiencing needs a feeling of appreciation and relaxation or In other words they need a comfort. That is why they tend to find things which they believe it will throw away what they feel bad inside not in a bad way but in a good way. But sometimes these when a person is always depressed, these uncontrollable hobbies may become worst.

In bad ways, we can also relate to this those drinking sessions, smoking, etc. There are lot worst cases a teenager may do when depressed but drinking and smoking are most common. Teenagers believe that when they drink alcohol or smoke it will relieve what they are feeling inside. This is good news for it is a relief but a bad news for their health.

Drugs and sex may be one of other ways for some teenagers. But, drugs is not a better option as it is very dangerous to every health though sex is can be mean a good for it relieve some anxieties and depression but not suggested to become a habit if not depression.

What are the most common Christmas decorations?

Traditionally, people start to decorate things during Christmas season. In this way, we can really feel the essence of Christmas everywhere as the whole world participates that they decorate things around.

There are lot of Christmas decorations people love to use and other appreciate about it. They are very common for us but others may seem to be different that they used different kind of resources and materials but still the content and meaning is the same and that is to celebrate the Christmas season.

There are many different decorations for Christmas season nowadays, but the common Christmas decorations will never be fades as it is the original and traditional Christmas decorations for Christmas season.

Christmas Tree. This is the most common Christmas decoration in the world as it become popular now that people love to place Christmas trees inside and outside their residence. Christmas trees may also be decorated as it is a big place for other Christmas decorations like Christmas balls, Christmas lights, candy canes, toys, star, Christmas figures, etc. Generally, a Christmas tree is composes of a pine tree decorated with other Christmas decorations, gifts and toys under the tree and a bright star on the top of the tree.

Christmas Lantern. Here in the Philippines, Christmas lantern is the most common decoration that you can see around houses in every community. This has been a tradition for us Filipino to have a Christmas lantern which symbolizes hope and light. Christmas lanterns are beautiful with different colourful lights on it and forms a shape of a star. It may also come from the simplest which is in a star shape form(commonly) with no Christmas light to the most beautiful which in large size and many Christmas lights.

Christmas lights. With its different colours and changing light schemes it become one of the most popular Christmas decorations. Christmas lights are often seen on Christmas trees as it adds glamour and beauty to it and also gives a light during night times. Not all Christmas light are used in Christmas trees but it is also used as a decoration for houses and other things. You can see a lot of examples everywhere that they feel there houses a farm of Christmas lights that gives a bright and colourful decoration for the Christmas season.

Christmas figures. What I am talking about Christmas figures are those of Santa Claus, rain deer, snowman, etc who become figures and now considered one of the most common Christmas decoration during Christmas season. Wearing a red suit, boots and a hat, Santa Claus with his long white beard and a chant of “Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!” is the most popular icon for Christmas season. Others also decorate his rain deers and with his snow sleigh and a sock full of gifts.

Snowman is one also icon for the Christmas season as it represents a snow during winter. With its natural body of two snow balls (shape like the number 8), a carrot for the nose, two branches of trees for the arms, two things for the eyes and a nice hat you can make a very good-looking Snowman. Snowman is often decorated outside the house so that others may see it with the part of the snow.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How do you know that Christmas season is already started?

People around the world are very excited about this season of joy, love and sharing. They are very excited that is why they are also having their preparations for this great event.

There are lot of things to prepare when the Christmas season starts because Christmas is something you must to prepare for. People get busy in their own way preparing but how do you know that it is already started?

People get tracked of days or eyeing their calendars just to monitor the date of the Christmas season. Here are things or signs that Christmas season had already started?

Months ending with –ber. When you are tracking the date or eyeing the calendar, you should know already that when the months go ends with –ber it is considered as the start of the Christmas season.

People may not consider it but some really appreciate and are excited that months ending with –ber is the start of the Christmas season. Though, other signs may not be present at the month of September but some are started.

Climate change. When the month of September starts, the climate also started to change. Actually, the month of September is an end for a season and a start for another season.

The climate started to change that the wind starts to go breezy or it gets cold sometimes. You can observer by yourself that it goes windy sometimes and some leaves of the trees started to fall. That is the time that snow may started to fall.

When the snow starts to fall, it is much obvious to us that Christmas season is already starting. Generally, other people just consider that the Christmas season is started when the climate started to change and when snows started to rain.

Decorations. People love to decorate on Christmas season as if they are competing with other decorations. Christmas season is just another colourful celebration for us that we used to decorate traditional decorations or making new and highly seasonable decorations that makes us more unique and famous.

Decorations like Christmas trees, Santa Claus, raindeers, Christmas lights and others as you may see around that was already scattered, is a fine sign that Christmas season is already started.

Christmas signature. When I say Christmas signatures, I am referring for those entertainments like Christmas songs, Christmas shows, Christmas movies, etc. Obviously, these signatures releases exclusively when Christmas seasons started.

People sings joyful Christmas songs around but Christmas shows and movies are much earlier to prepare. It must be prepared earlier and must be release during Christmas season. People love to watch and entertain themselves by these entertainments as it become traditional to us who are celebrating the birth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.


(1Thess. 5:21 – Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.)

1. Keep a good name. Proverbs 22:1 – A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. 2 Chronicles 7:14 – If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; the will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

2. Be alert. Resist the devil. Prov. 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. 1 Peter 5:8 (GNB) – Be alert, be on watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. James 4:7 – Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

3. Know God’s plan. Seek His will in all your decisions. Jer. 29:11 (GNB) – I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for. Rom 12:2 – And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, the ye may PROVE what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 1 John 5:14 – And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us:

4. Do the best you can in everything, but prioritize God.  (Attend all worship services.) Deut. 28:13 – And the LORD shall make thee the HEAD, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them: Matt 6:33 – But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

5. Keep your body fit and healthy. 1 Cor. 6:19 – What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? Rom 12:1 – I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, the ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. Psalms 103:2-3 – Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth ALL thine iniquities; who healeth ALL thy diseases;

6. Take the challenge. Bring all your tithes and offerings. Malachi 3:10-12 – Bring ye ALL the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in the mine house, and PROVE ME now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts. And all nations shall call you BLESSED: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts.

7. Know God personally, as to a Friend. Read His (letters) Word and talk to Him in prayer. John 5:39 – SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me. Mark 11:24 – Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. John 15:14 – Ye are My friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

8. Keep a family altar. Have a regular family worship. Psalms 55:17 – Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice. Isaiah 55:6 – SEEK YE THE LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.

9. Prepare to meet thy God. 2 Kings 20:1 – Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live. James 5:16 – Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Amos 4:12 – Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet they God, O Israel.

10. Heaven is our home. Our ultimate goal is to see Jesus and our loved ones. John 14:1-3 – Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. Phil. 3:20 (ESV) – But our CITIZENSHIP is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” Cor. 2:9.

Pacquiao-Marquez final press con

LAS VEGAS, Nevada - It is like the fight night for the final press conference of 8-division world champion Manny Pacquiao and 3-division world champion Juan Manuel Marquez.

The two fighters were welcomed by their fans and international media in their press conference held at Hollywood Theatre at MGM Grand.

Wearing a black coat, the Filipino ring icon has a clear face to appear in the media while it was seriously  for "El Rose" in his clothing trainer jacket.

The Mexican boxer forms its  conditioned body by his dress.

First Pacquiao announced he is favored by the growth of the body of Marquez, as he said that it will easy for him not to miss a hit in any angle of his opponent's body.

Although he refused to give his own predictions, Pacquiao assured that he has intense training prepared for the third time he meet Marquez.

The public and media is now looking forward to the official weigh-in being held on Saturday.

The Pacquiao-Marquez fight will be held at the MGM Grand Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada on Sunday, November 13, 2011.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Asteroid will not hit Earth - DOST

DOST reclaimed that an asteroid will hit Earth is a hoax. It was also proven to other international organizations that the said asteroid will not hit Earth.

DOST Undersecretary Graciano Yumul that the asteroid 2005 YU55 will pass Earth with a distance of 201,000 miles away.

He also added that the asteroid can see through a telescope. People can watch the asteroid if the weather is fine, no clouds, just a clear sky.

According to NASA, the nearest distance of an asteroid can be seen tomorrow November 9, pass 7:00 am

Saturday, November 5, 2011

2 typhoons will come this month - PAGASA

Two more storms are expected to enter the Philippine area of responsibility (PAR) this month.

This was the statement of Pagasa, based as they recorded annual records.

However, they said it varies over time, because sometimes it was ordered in a month, while there is no documented record.

But now, the spotted shallow low pressure area (SLPA) is expected not to become a new typhoon.

The said shallow low pressure area (SLPA) based on satellite and surface data was located 50 kilometers east southeast of Infanta, Quezon (14.5 ° N 122.0 ° E).

Right now it still inside the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) affecting the entire Philippine area.

Friday, November 4, 2011

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

What TV game shows you think you have a good chance of winning?

No people in the world that doesn’t need money. Money is not listed in needs of a human but in order to acquire those needs of a person; you must have money to provide needs of your own. So, we can consider money is one of needs and wants of a person.

Well, we all know that money involves a lot of things here. You can have money if you provide products and services to other people as exchange. But a lot of people in the world don’t have any line of work or business so they are force to do indecent things to provide them their needs in order to survive.

TV shows know these conditions of people, so they provide such opportunities to people to win such prizes like appliances and showcases and mostly money. There are lot of TV shows here that provide a good chance of winning:

Family Feud. This TV game show has the biggest chance of winning to people. The rule of the game is that the participants must give answers to the questions the host ask. When we say answers, you must give a list of answers that might be listed to the given question. The question “Name a fruit that changes color when it ripens” needs a list of answers from the most to the least obvious, “banana, apple, strawberry, pear.”

The answers are based on the surveyed people that answered the same question so it is arranged from the most common answers to the least one. The money prize depends on the round and how many correct answers you can get. The jackpot round has a prize of showcases and appliances, house and lot, brand new car, etc.

Wheel of Fortune. This game gives also a good chance of winning but it badly needs your luck. The game has a big wheel with a particular prize, particularly money, with each part which a participant spins. Each round has a hidden phrase that each participant must answer by giving a letter for each spin. Phrases are in topics just like quotes and are easy to answer.

In jackpot round, a smaller wheel is to be spin and a short phrase or word is given to answer within a time limit. The jackpot prizes are showcases, appliances set and money. This is a good opportunity to people to win instant cash and rewards.

Price is Right. If you know prices of many different showcases, appliances, gadgets, etc. this game is the right choice and can give you a better luck of winning. This game asks the participants to guess the price of the existing showcase, the nearer price answer to the actual price, the better. The jackpot price is not different with other game shows as it offers cash prize, showcases, appliances, etc. This game is kind of hard for those who don’t have the knowledge in trending market price of any gadget or showcase.

Who wants to be a millionaire?. This is a game of knowledge, the smarter you are about general knowledge the better you have the chance of winning. The game is very simple, in the elimination round, the fastest participant to arrange the question given will qualify to answer questions which costs cash prizes.

After the qualifying round, the participant shall answer questions with corresponding cash prizes up to a hundreds or millions of cash money. But the bigger the cash for the question the harder the question is. This is a game of knowledge and has a smaller chance of winning. 

What things you’d never forget to do on Christmas day?

Christmas day is the one of the best holidays over a whole year. Since it was one of the best, it means Christmas day needs a lot of preparations and also has the biggest celebrations. People get themselves busy to prepare for this once-in-a-year celebration.

They prepare many things like for decorations there were Christmas trees (consider the decoration for it), Christmas lights, Christmas figures, etc. Of course you cannot forget the food for this holiday like hams, turkeys, etc. For this holiday, gift is a must as this holiday is a season of sharing, love and joy.

After a long preparation for this big event, people don’t forget things during this time. These things are the most common during Christmas day:

Exchange gifts. An Exchange is a process like barter or shall we say buy and sell. But from the word gift itself, the person just involves gifts during the process.

As the season of sharing, people don’t forget to exchange gifts with others. Everyone here is Santa for you will be giving a lot of gifts to others. These gifts depends on yourself, whether your claim it as a material thing or nonmaterial thing.

People don’t forget to exchange gifs with others as it becomes a practice for this season. We all know about Santa Claus as he give gifts to children and these practice was adopted to these season that is why people don’t forget to share anything with others as exchange gifts.

Eat. Eating during the Christmas day is one of the most things you never forget to do for yourself. We know that Christmas season is also a celebration for our King, and we also know that celebrations can’t loss any feast on the table.

There are foods that are traditionally eaten by a lot of people during Christmas day. Every region has its own unique delicious cuisines that are served during this event. People don’t forget to eat during a celebration as it is one of requirements for our daily needs.

Wake up. It has been a practice and become a tradition to us to wake up 12:00 midnight during this day. Here in the Philippines the day before Christmas day is called “Bisperas ng Pasko” were lot of people wake up before midnight.

There is also a practice of a countdown after waking up and prepared for the Christmas day. Usually, families are gathered after waking up to count down to 12 and to welcome the Christmas day, the day of the birth of our King, Jesus Christ.

Say “Merry Christmas!”. This is the most obvious thing you can’t forget to do during Christmas day. It’s like a celebration for everyone’s birthday as they greet each other “Happy Birthday!” and giving gifts and cards to everyone.

It has also become a tradition to say “Merry Christmas!” to everyone as from the word itself, merry, means joy and happiness. Others say “Happy Holidays!” just for another term but they make no difference as they mean a happy holiday season to everyone.

People really love this day that’s why this is the most unforgettable holiday experience to everyone. Merry Christmas!

What type of music that is easy to dance to?

World is now invaded by the music industry and it is somewhat inevitable because music is part of tradition, life of people and our world. Today, music is really one of the best things to entertain ourselves in an easy way.

Music is accompanied with dancing; you know you can’t dance without music or even just a beat of note. People love to dance as part of their life and tradition. They are dancing because they want to express something as music is a form of art and also as music.

Dancing with music can be very entertaining with people as dancing is very fun and one of the easiest way not just to entertain but also helps our body to be active as it is a form of exercise. Dancing with the right type of music can give you the right satisfaction to yourself.

Without thinking, how do you manage to dance in a random music beat? What type of dance that is easy to dance? Although we have a lot of answers for these, there are specific types of music which preferred by people who really love dancing:

Hip Hop. This type of music is the easiest way to dance because hip hop produces a lot of beats that a person can easily love with. Generally, hip hop is the most produced type of music in the world.

There are lot of people in the world that uses hip hop music as there medium in dancing. Hip hop can be a lot of different beats that any dance could play with it. With the right rhythm and right steps and moves, hip hop dancing will be a right choice of medium.

Country. Generally, country composes different beats with such tempos not that easy to dance unlike hip hop. But country music is the one of the easiest way to dance with as many people traditionally love this type of music.

We know that every region has its own type of music which is adopted in other regions. Country music has its own appeal to people as every region produces different country songs which can make a person dance. Dancing with country music is fun especially together with groups and other person.

Rock and roll. Rock and roll may be considered on the list because people insanely dance with it. People dancing with this type of music are not that synchronize and sometimes not considered as dancing. With the head bang together with other insane dancing acts because of the music and beat that can blow your mind, it would be very rocky and hard for the dancers.

People who loves music of rock and roll commonly expresses their likeness to their music through dancing. They dance because they love the beat and music and the music itself that puts them into such madness and act like fools. Most people didn’t like rock and roll music but there are lot of rock and roll lovers in the world who really keep their medium alive.

Disco. Like hip hop music, disco is its sister. You can dance with the beat of hip hop music so you can do better with the disco music. Disco music can be considered as the old school version of hip hop music. Though there are still people who separately love to dance with them.

With its lovely beat, your feet can’t resist the temptation of its music and thus a lot of people like the old school type. Dancing with disco music can be very fun and enjoy especially when performed together with friends.

Why would a person can’t fall sleep at night?

Many people in the world don’t get their sleep early at night unlike kids does as they sleep as early as 7:00 pm but not over than 9:00 pm. People can’t sleep for some reasons of their own just like now that I can’t sleep this time. Well, I’m used to it but sometimes I can actually fall between 7:00 pm or 8:00 pm but will wake up at around 1:00 am or 2:00 am which is too early and I can’t go back to sleep some time.

How people manage these things are depends upon their reasons why they can’t sleep at night. But what are these reason why some people can’t sleep during no-light:

Insomnia. This is much pretty obvious thing why a person can’t sleep at night. We all know what insomnia is, it is an inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep long enough to feel rested, especially when this is a problem that continues over time.

A lot of people have suffering from difficulty in sleeping or having medical condition, they are insomniac. People do a lot of different things when they are on this condition or during this condition. Usually, they tend to find ways to force themselves to fall asleep but there are others that tend to entertain themselves and take advantage of their condition.

Sometimes it is better to have this kind of condition, but others find it worst. Generally, we should have to get enough sleep and better to cure this condition rather to cure if it’s worse.

Internet Connection. Have you ever imagined this, you can’t sleep not that you have or you are insomniac but you just have an internet connection. This sounds like funny but you know to yourself that it’s true and it’s a fact.

I just read it somewhere in the internet that a person can’t sleep because he or she has an internet connection which is true because at that time when I read this I was surfing the web late at night. It was a funny moment that made me smile.

People are so much obsessed by the web, as it is now I think is the most people find themselves to get entertained with. Actually it was because of some leading social networking sites that keeps a 14 year old girl laying down her bed clicking on her phone to change status on facebook. A lot of teenagers, single persons who are looking for partners, internet businessmen, and others whatever they doing in the internet, we can say we are worse than an insomniac but we both have it and we’re proud.

Stress. This is another medical condition and I can consider it worse that being an insomniac. Being stressed is a bit healthy but making yourself don’t fall asleep just thinking of such things is fatal. It can end up to worse and abnormal condition of the brain and can damage it.

Sometimes people can’t go to sleep because they’re thinking of things, but a person who actually spends the whole night just of thinking staring far away is totally a bit crazy. Stress can lead anyone to other unhealthy body, but worse cases it can make you totally crazy as in permanent.

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