Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hardship in Difficult Times

I don't actually think negatively in some things or losing hopes especially if it is not the end of something. My girlfriend is suffering from a serious problem and I can't help her with it, maybe mere support may do but the thing is, we can't do anything but wait and wait for the result. She did all the possibilities to fix it but there are small amount of hopes. And now she is sad and tired.

In our years in college, she always been studying hard because she wanted to graduate with an honor of Cumlaude. But now, this hope is gone because of a simple mistake. We are making everything to fix this but it seems to be so hard because of some impossibilities that might happen and we both scared of it. The error is just a simple fault but this'll bring her doom for the rest of her life if not fix (I will not post the whole story for some security).

I also have the chance to become a Cumlaude but not hoping for that honors, but for her it was everything and now she always feel tired because of that. She always cry when we talks about it and I felt sad because I can't do anything. I wanted to comfort her but my advises don't work for her. Maybe she can handle it her own but I can sense her inside that she can't and it slowly breaks her heart.

There are times that we are so down, no hopes and chances, but to think positively and believing for His will, we can overcome these fears and problems. Prayer can move mountains and it is always been. Just think about the goodness that awaits ahead whenever we feel down. Don't stop when you fall down. Don't stop when you already achieve something. Keep going with His guidance and faith for it will bear a beautiful thing.

We might fall in quick and really bad,
But we can fight and go for all we had,
We can be in danger in times of unknown,
But we can escape and solve it without fears shown

Fears may brought us to good and bad, but thinking positively in things might cause any luck, not just hopes.

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