Thursday, November 24, 2011

Rainbow after the storm

Yesterday, the atmosphere with my girlfriend was dull and sad. I can say it as dull because she can't even say a sentence and I am just the only one talking and she don't even reply. I know it was all about her problem, but I said that I can't do anything but to support and comfort her. She might just expressing his madness I think because of the situation and I understand that.

Recently in school I noticed that she is already alright and in good condition. Smiling, happy and having confidence to herself. I know that she can surpass her emotions and yesterday was the time that she will think more positively in her own way. She said that she just wanted to express her feelings (though it was not good because her words hurts me really) and I am the only one she can lean on. I can't do anything about that and if only I know that that is her purpose I can say and do better things for her. But I accepted it and I always understand her as it is part of her personality.

Maybe, she is now recovering herself about that problem and I am very supportive about that. I know God has the purpose for all the good and bad things that is happening around us. And now she is back, I am thanking God for answering my prayers, to help her in her worst and overcome her emotions. At least it will help her though that cannot resolve her problem.

Sometimes we're very down, worst and sad,
But there are hopes and that's all we have,
God has a purpose in everything around us,
Let's just believe in all the miracles He has

There are rainbows after some storms, and the light reveals the beauty of all kind. We should not lose hope for God didn't lose hope on us.

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