Thursday, November 10, 2011

What does a teenager do whenever at depression?

Depression is a stage where we are experiencing such stress about things in our lives. We all know about this already because we are certain that we already experience it in some time. People are different when it comes to reactions and how they mind and body response when they are in depression.

Teenagers when in times of depression are mostly emotional in their way unlike other ages that goes differently in their reactions when experiencing depression. Teenagers do things which are commonly in good and bad conditions in which they may benefit or not.

There are some common reactions of teenagers when they are in times of depression. These reactions are emotionally shown and that their mind and body just reacted through these emotions. A teenager might do things when in depression like:

Cry. Teenage girls are psychologically more emotional in nature than teenage boys. They used to cry to express what they feel inside because crying is very effective for them to throw away depression and stress. Crying is one way to express and to throw away things which are bad inside the emotional world of a person. Besides, crying is also a relief for a person that pouring out tears is often relaxes mind and throwing away the anxieties.

Some teenage boys cry too but not that too emotional unlike the teenage girls which cry too emotional. Boys do have emotions but it is in their nature that when depressed they do things differently in girls.

Uncontrollable hobby. Some teenagers mostly reacted in positive way when they are depressed. Most of these teenagers often used to do things which they feel it will remove and throw away their depression. These things are likely their hobbies like eating, watching movies, playing games, shopping, travel, etc. It is most effective when they are with others who appreciate their hobbies, in those way anxieties and worries are easy to fade.

These become in nature because a person which is experiencing needs a feeling of appreciation and relaxation or In other words they need a comfort. That is why they tend to find things which they believe it will throw away what they feel bad inside not in a bad way but in a good way. But sometimes these when a person is always depressed, these uncontrollable hobbies may become worst.

In bad ways, we can also relate to this those drinking sessions, smoking, etc. There are lot worst cases a teenager may do when depressed but drinking and smoking are most common. Teenagers believe that when they drink alcohol or smoke it will relieve what they are feeling inside. This is good news for it is a relief but a bad news for their health.

Drugs and sex may be one of other ways for some teenagers. But, drugs is not a better option as it is very dangerous to every health though sex is can be mean a good for it relieve some anxieties and depression but not suggested to become a habit if not depression.

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