Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christmas party early set

It was a good day for God gave me so much blessings. Thanks to Him things are good.

Christmas is on its way and we are just counting days. Recently we have agreed that our class should organize a Christmas party with one of our professor. It was my classmate that made the discussion to a meeting of organizing a Christmas party. It was too early but it is better that it makes more time to prepare for it.

We discuss most about the food and other stuffs are quite. Traditionally, here in the Philippines we always celebrating Christmas parties just as simple as it is. Feast, games and fun stuffs, exchange gifts, and other entertainment and programs. I might suggest that we could actually do an activity that can ensure the true meaning of Christmas which is "love and sharing."

We prepare feast for us to eat best seasonal food that you could eat just a time in year. We prepare games and stuffs for fun and entertainment. We prepare programs for further entertainment. We prepare and perform exchange gifts just to show the value of sharing during Christmas. But, the love and respect that our beloved God was born in that day was always missing.

We can have fun for those stuffs but why do we celebrate Christmas at all? It is because of Him reminding us for His greatness. We should be aware of these things at all, but as time goes by it was not practiced at all. We should not forget this despite of our own or group desires during Christmas. Maybe we could offer the celebration for praising, worshiping and thanking Him for all He have done to us.

Show the real value of  true Christmas,
Share love and forget over tragic pasts,
Remind yourself for the greatness that He was born,
Believe in Him and you will never be alone

Let celebrate and welcome the Lord for He shall be praise!

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