Thursday, November 3, 2011

What things you’d never forget to do on Christmas day?

Christmas day is the one of the best holidays over a whole year. Since it was one of the best, it means Christmas day needs a lot of preparations and also has the biggest celebrations. People get themselves busy to prepare for this once-in-a-year celebration.

They prepare many things like for decorations there were Christmas trees (consider the decoration for it), Christmas lights, Christmas figures, etc. Of course you cannot forget the food for this holiday like hams, turkeys, etc. For this holiday, gift is a must as this holiday is a season of sharing, love and joy.

After a long preparation for this big event, people don’t forget things during this time. These things are the most common during Christmas day:

Exchange gifts. An Exchange is a process like barter or shall we say buy and sell. But from the word gift itself, the person just involves gifts during the process.

As the season of sharing, people don’t forget to exchange gifts with others. Everyone here is Santa for you will be giving a lot of gifts to others. These gifts depends on yourself, whether your claim it as a material thing or nonmaterial thing.

People don’t forget to exchange gifs with others as it becomes a practice for this season. We all know about Santa Claus as he give gifts to children and these practice was adopted to these season that is why people don’t forget to share anything with others as exchange gifts.

Eat. Eating during the Christmas day is one of the most things you never forget to do for yourself. We know that Christmas season is also a celebration for our King, and we also know that celebrations can’t loss any feast on the table.

There are foods that are traditionally eaten by a lot of people during Christmas day. Every region has its own unique delicious cuisines that are served during this event. People don’t forget to eat during a celebration as it is one of requirements for our daily needs.

Wake up. It has been a practice and become a tradition to us to wake up 12:00 midnight during this day. Here in the Philippines the day before Christmas day is called “Bisperas ng Pasko” were lot of people wake up before midnight.

There is also a practice of a countdown after waking up and prepared for the Christmas day. Usually, families are gathered after waking up to count down to 12 and to welcome the Christmas day, the day of the birth of our King, Jesus Christ.

Say “Merry Christmas!”. This is the most obvious thing you can’t forget to do during Christmas day. It’s like a celebration for everyone’s birthday as they greet each other “Happy Birthday!” and giving gifts and cards to everyone.

It has also become a tradition to say “Merry Christmas!” to everyone as from the word itself, merry, means joy and happiness. Others say “Happy Holidays!” just for another term but they make no difference as they mean a happy holiday season to everyone.

People really love this day that’s why this is the most unforgettable holiday experience to everyone. Merry Christmas!

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