Thursday, November 24, 2011

One single mistake, Takes all

Last Monday we had a quiz in our Circuit subject. It was  written quiz with two parts: one is definition and the second part is solving. The first part instructs us to define the following five terms in circuits. It was easy for me because those terms are very known and you can define it in your own terms. The second part of the quiz, which is solving, give some worries though I'm a little confident that I could perfect the exam. I solved the five solving problems without any hesitation though I have the worry that my answers are wrong but almost 95% is sure.

And recently, in our circuit subject we checked that quiz and do some lectures. The checking takes some time but it is normal for us because it is a solving problem and it has a long and complicated solution. The first two solving items was easy and I got it right. When the third problem goes in check, I was shock that I was wrong so I reviewed my solution if I got wrong in my process. For the first check, I can't see any problem with my answer but later on I have noticed one simple mistake that made the whole solution wrong.

It was just the operation that the two terms should be minus but I divided it. And now the checking was done, that's the only mistake I have. I should've divided it so I will get the highest and perfect score in that quiz in our class. But what's done is done, I can't do anything for that.

Simple mistakes if not notice early,
Big problems will appear quickly,
But to accept things will be the best way,
Not that you're weak but strong you say!

We must accept things about things we've done wrong. We should forgive ourselves about our own mistakes and accept it as a lesson for us.

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