Thursday, November 10, 2011

What are the most common Christmas decorations?

Traditionally, people start to decorate things during Christmas season. In this way, we can really feel the essence of Christmas everywhere as the whole world participates that they decorate things around.

There are lot of Christmas decorations people love to use and other appreciate about it. They are very common for us but others may seem to be different that they used different kind of resources and materials but still the content and meaning is the same and that is to celebrate the Christmas season.

There are many different decorations for Christmas season nowadays, but the common Christmas decorations will never be fades as it is the original and traditional Christmas decorations for Christmas season.

Christmas Tree. This is the most common Christmas decoration in the world as it become popular now that people love to place Christmas trees inside and outside their residence. Christmas trees may also be decorated as it is a big place for other Christmas decorations like Christmas balls, Christmas lights, candy canes, toys, star, Christmas figures, etc. Generally, a Christmas tree is composes of a pine tree decorated with other Christmas decorations, gifts and toys under the tree and a bright star on the top of the tree.

Christmas Lantern. Here in the Philippines, Christmas lantern is the most common decoration that you can see around houses in every community. This has been a tradition for us Filipino to have a Christmas lantern which symbolizes hope and light. Christmas lanterns are beautiful with different colourful lights on it and forms a shape of a star. It may also come from the simplest which is in a star shape form(commonly) with no Christmas light to the most beautiful which in large size and many Christmas lights.

Christmas lights. With its different colours and changing light schemes it become one of the most popular Christmas decorations. Christmas lights are often seen on Christmas trees as it adds glamour and beauty to it and also gives a light during night times. Not all Christmas light are used in Christmas trees but it is also used as a decoration for houses and other things. You can see a lot of examples everywhere that they feel there houses a farm of Christmas lights that gives a bright and colourful decoration for the Christmas season.

Christmas figures. What I am talking about Christmas figures are those of Santa Claus, rain deer, snowman, etc who become figures and now considered one of the most common Christmas decoration during Christmas season. Wearing a red suit, boots and a hat, Santa Claus with his long white beard and a chant of “Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!” is the most popular icon for Christmas season. Others also decorate his rain deers and with his snow sleigh and a sock full of gifts.

Snowman is one also icon for the Christmas season as it represents a snow during winter. With its natural body of two snow balls (shape like the number 8), a carrot for the nose, two branches of trees for the arms, two things for the eyes and a nice hat you can make a very good-looking Snowman. Snowman is often decorated outside the house so that others may see it with the part of the snow.

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