Thursday, October 6, 2011

Palace vs. fiscal freedom

One ally of President Aquino in the Senate assured that Congress recognizes the fiscal autonomy of each government department.

Senate Finance Committee chairman Sen.. Franklin Drilon said, they recognize the rights of each constitutional bodies to manage its own funds but they will ensure they have the transparency so that it will not be abused.

"We will adhere to the constitutional provision grants Which fiscal autonomy to the constitutional bodies and at the same time provide for transparency in the budget so that we will know through a reporting system how the budget allocated to each agency is being spent," said Drilon.

Several government departments complain including the Supreme Court, Ombudsman, Civil Service Commission, Commission on Elections and Commission on Audit and in relation of  policies of the administration promoted to vest the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to control Miscellaneous Personnel Benefits Their Fund (MPBF) for the purpose to not tp be abused.

In such policies, they provided only MPBF in time being able to recruit staff that will be appropriated by the funds.

But for such department, it is a sort of reduction of their funds that was said to be unconstitutional due to the interference of Malacañang in fiscal autonomy of each constitutional agencies.

Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and Sen. . Joker Arroyo also opposed by the said such policies that violate the mandate of the Constitution for the fiscal indepence for every department of government.

Noticed that the judiciary alone takes P2 billion to contained in MPBF for unfilled positions.

So certainly some critics like Arroyo that others can do it as pork barrel of Malacañang.

Now legislators agreed to recognize the fiscal autonomy of each constitutional agencies, it also signal that the hostile attitude towards each other between Malacañang and the Supreme Court will end as of to issue about currency.

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