Thursday, October 6, 2011

Don't worry about NPA - Palace

Japan and Australia should not worry and make no fuss to lodge a particular investment in the mining sector in the Philippines.

Remember that concerns of foreign investors still remains after the attacks made ​​by the NPA
in three mines in Surigao del Norte.

Presidential Spokesman Lacierda Edwin said today, they have implemented reforms and are ready to step up security if necessary.

But according to Lacierda, they also understand the concern of investors and even they were also disappointed in the incident.

Meanwhile, the Palace insisted should take to proper forum or to the government for the complaints against the mining companies.

Malacañang understands the concern of ethnic groups with regard to damage caused by mining operation in Surigao del Norte, but it was said that they don't have to show their complaints in force.

It is also said that there is a law on the protection of nature as the Mining Act and it may be used if breaching in mining companies are done.

"Well, we Understand their concern because I we are just as disappointed as whathappened there. We have taken corrective actions. We are doing a threat assessment and we would beef up security When necessary and upon the recommendation of the DND, AFP and PNP, "said Lacierda.

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