Friday, October 21, 2011

Hide in a drainage before death - Gadhafi

Tripoli, Libya - Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril detailed today his version about Moammar Gadhafi's death.

Jibril, executive committee in the interim government of the National Transitional Council (NTC), said Libyan leader did not fought  when the rebels in his hometown in Sirte got him.

Wearing his underwear and trousers, Gadhafi is armed with his gun but it is not usually used by the former leader of Libya, something that surprised Jibril.

It was realized that Gadhafi was hiding in a large drainage hole and still in good physical before the rebels got him outside.

The prime minister cannot confirmed if the NTC fighters shoot Gadhafi's head.

Jibril also said, Gadhafi was still lived a few minutes for allegedly bring him to the hospital and then eventually died.

There are also reports that the 69-year-old former Libyan leader is planning to escape after NATO warplanes bombed the convoy being ridden by Gadhafi.

When Gadhafi was found in the hole he plead not shot to shoot him.

Aside from Gadhafi, also killed his son Mutassim while some officials also caught thereafter.

It earned a some negative reaction from the video showing that he is alive when arrested and eventually just killed.

Based on amateur video that appeared in some Arab satellite TV stations,Gadhafi is still shouting and fighting against the arresting insurgents.

You can see at the video that he is suffering having wound because of his bloody clothes and face.

But no there is no remedy for his condition until it eventually died.

There is another report also that says they just killed him to finish the war in Libya and the loyalists surrendered it.

Libya's ambassador also revealed to the United States Ali Aujali that the National Transitional Council and some citizens of Libya wanted to keep Gadhafi alive when he was arrested by the rebels.

This is said to take him on the International Criminal Court and answer the involving crimes.

Following the confirmation of  Gadhafi's death, Libya turns a celebration that was conducted by the people.

You can hear the noise of the residents as honking the cars and a release of celebratory gunshots.

Hotels in Gadhafi's hometown Sirte as well as the capital of Tripoli also celebrate the said death that the staffs danced while blowing the flag of Libya.

The video footage also shows the Libyan people hug each other and climbing on the roof and pickup trucks and celebrates for the win.

The world leaders also celebrated the confirmation of Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril the death of Moammar Gadhafi, the dictator who ruled for 42 years in that country.

For other head of states, it was a big problem that was gone now Gadhafi was gone.

But according to others, the death of Gadhafi is a new beginning for Libya and as a historic "turning point" in the history of the country that lived 42 years under the iron hand dictatorship with Gadhafi.

Among those persons that sending their congratulations for freedom of Libya were United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki , German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe, British Foreign Secretary William Hague and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Even in other countries the Libyan commmunity also celebrates, particularly in Malta and Tunisia.

In February, the start of the protests in Libya that take six months before Gadhafi was gone in Tripoli.

Month of March when the allied forces launch the airstrike on Libya after the United Nations approved the implementation of the no-fly zone.

Gadhafi and his two sons was given a warrant of arrest by the International Criminal Court but they not caught.

In the final months of civil war the former Libyan leader is not showing to the public and hide until be found in Sirte where he was born and died.

Meanwhile, some experts believe in various parts of the world that the violence have not yet finished in Libya despite the confirmation of the death of former Libyan leader.

According to the Libyan expert John Hamilton, of Cross Border Information, a residual force of Moammar Gadhafi still can make revenge for the death of their leader.

It is still a hypothesis that when the anti-Gadhafi forces were celebrating, there were the forces of Gadhafi that were planning to take revenge.

North Africa  expert from Cambridge University, George Joffe also said, the new challenge that will be facing for the six million people of Libya is the rising again to achieve the new system of democracy.

"These groups need to be carefully either disbanded or integrated into the armed forces ... Questions remain about who these militias answer to, how They manage their relationships with each other and what their demands are," said Libyan expert Alex Warren, from the Middle East and North Africa research and advisory firm, regarding NTC militias.

Right now, it is scheduled to move the headquarters of the interim government of Libya of NTC, from Benghazi to the capital of Tripoli to develop a transitional government within three days. (Reuters / AP / Al Jazeera / CNN / BBC/ Bomboradyo)

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