Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wilderness Adventure (Woods)

Astonishing facts about the wilderness of woods and forests:

Forest fires can destroy trees and kill animals. But sometimes fires can do good things for the environment. Some types of fires play an important role in the health of a forest.

In just one year, the average American uses enough wood and paper to make up a tree that is 100 feet or 30 metres. Each American uses enough paper to form a tree that is 100 feet tall.

In a cord of wood, there are 7,500,000 toothpick made. One cord of wood can produce 7,500,000 toothpicks, 61,370 standard business envelopes, or 12 dining room tables that each seat 8 people.

Forest can get sick just like people. Bark beetle is a common cause of forest illness. The bark beetle feeds on trees weakened by old age, extremely dry weather, or overcrowding. Bark beetles kill trees by eating most of their barks.

Cellulose is a product of trees. Cellulose from tree cells is used as a food thickener in milk shakes, cake frosting and pancake syrup.

Wolves live in the forest of North America.

Trees with leaves that do not fall off in the fall are called Evergreen. Unlike deciduous trees, evergreen trees keep their leaves throughout the year.

Spotted owl is a kind of forest animal that can only breed in old-growth forests-forests that have never been touched by human activities. In order to breed successfully and gather enough food for its young, a single pair of spotted owls needs about 100 acres (40 hectares) of old-growth forest. Spotted owl populations have declined as old-growth forests have been cut down.

Squirrel is a small mammal commonly found in forests. It like to store seeds so that it have food in the winter months. It may bury an acorn far from the tree that produced it. It has a sensitive nose that can sniff out nuts buried deep underground.

Trees with leaves that change colour in autumn, fall off in the winter, and grow back again in the spring are called deciduous. These trees change with the season.

A temperature forest differs from a tropical rain forest for it has a four different season. Temperature forests are found in parts of the world that have four seasons: summer, fall, winter and spring.

Smokey Bear is a character that gives the message “Only you can prevent forest fires!”. Smokey Bear has been spreading the message to prevent forest fire since 1944.

When trees are cut down, soil washes away, this prevents new plants from growing. This process is called erosion. Erosion is a common problem when forests are cut down to make room for houses and factories.

Cross-sections of tree trunks contain rings that provide information about a tree. Rings of a tree do provide information about its age, illnesses, and the climate conditions during each year of its growth.

When white-tailed deer runs, its long tail stands up straight to show the white fur on its underside. The white-tailed deer has white fur on its throat, on the upper insides of the legs, and under the tail. It lives in forests in the eastern United States.

Tree is the largest living thing. One of the largest trees on Earth is the giant sequoia, which grows up to 300 feet (90 metres). That is as tall as the Statue of Liberty.

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