Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Little conversation with Lightning

It was that night of rain with lightning. It was unexpected because that day was a very shiny, hot and dry day. We we’re just having our class at the basement of our University when suddenly I hear the rain drops on the first floor. I thought I was only imagining that it was raining but it really is when the class was over and we went out of the classroom.

When I went outside, it was raining hard really with some flashes of lightning and thunder. It was tremendous and scary some time when the thunder hits its loudness and the lightning appears suddenly. That time I stood on the front porch in one of the entrance of our University. I look straight without something looking at just thinking of different things that went wrong and will went wrong, I think I lose myself. I let myself calm but the rain keeps going hard and my feelings are bursting from inside. It was an incident that anyone could explode their hearts.

 When the rain calms down, I felt my regrets and mistakes are over too. It was a relief sometimes to let yourself burst any bad feelings in any way we always used to. That makes me comfortable and let peace come in to my mind. The rain is over but the lightning is still their chasing and trembling above us. My girlfriend ask me to go home because the atmosphere is clear in the hard rain is gone. When we are walking home, lightning still flashes above.

My girlfriend is scared of lightning so she wanted to go home quickly then this thing comes in my mind. Why do you scared of lightning? There are two possible ways why you are scared: one, you are scared that if you hit by a lightning you might be dead and two, you are scared because if a lightning strikes at you, you might be alive which is hard for sure. People fears a lot of things, one of it is lightning. That is true that lightning with thousands of volts on it, could kill instantly a person.

People are scared of lightning because they are scared that lightning could hit them and kill them, but in short this kind of people is scared of death. Why are you scared of death? Is it because you already knew that you will be killed by ‘something’ and that you always afraid and scared of that ‘something’? Or is it the nature that you know it could possibly kills you?

Sometimes I fear death not because I wanted to do more things but the problem and the things it may leave others that involved. What about my family? My friends if I die? What would be the situation if I die? But I only fear one thing and that is God. Sometimes we are scared and we feared something because we are lacking of faith to Him.

We have our own fears but other cases are exceptional and can be considered as naturally or may be God’s will. When I experienced hard things and problems, I thought about it that it was just natural, that it was just natural for my situation and for anyone or I thought about it as God’s will, that He has a better plan for me and that He will not take me to any harm.

Lightning can be considered as dangerous. If we died because of lightning, it may be natural or accidentally. You may think that it was also God’s will for that person. But we must face our fear and overcome it, ley Him come inside our hearts and let Him clear all fears and worries about anything.

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