Monday, August 29, 2011

Bunch of Animals

Different animals have different collective names, which are what groups of the animals are called. These names are unique and named to them according to their kind.

 Colony. Colony used as a term to name an army of ants. Ants have their own system of government from the Queen Ant to the Slave Ants. They are known to be industrious and always keep and store foods for future needs.

  Flock. The term Flock is used for a group of sheep. Farms who own sheep are often in flock because of their benefits, generally their furs.

 School. School is not just use for education but for fishes too. A group of fish is called school. School of fish is often associated with small fish.

 Swarm. Swarm used to name a group of insects specially bees.

 Brood. A brood of chicken is often composing of group of chickens, usually of their family members.

  Pride. Pride use to term a group of lions composing of family members, group members and their leader or head.

 Band. Group of gorillas are often called band. A band of gorillas usually seen in some mountain parts or forest were they found foods for their living.

  Herd. Herd is a group name for elephants. Herd of elephants usually seen in some parts of Africa.

 Pod. Group of whales are so called pod. Pod of whales often compose of family members or friends.

  Gaggle. A group of geese are called gaggle. They often go on group when they go different activities.

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