Sunday, August 7, 2011

What would many adult say are the first priority in their life?

In our lives, we know what are and how to prioritize things at our age. We prioritize things in order to have a better life of our own vision. In choosing things to become a priority, we should also include many factors to consider as important as anything to our lives. Many people always choose things that they knew in their vision that these things will made them strong and successful. People have their own things that worth fighting for. But sometimes there are others who choose things which they knew it will help them but doesn’t give them the success they want.

For an average adult, there are lot of things they could consider to be a priority in their lives. As an adult, I have many wants and needs in my life but needs to leave and take things with me, so I choose things to prioritize which is very important and essential to my present life and especially to my future. Every adult has their own priorities but doesn’t know the things may happen if they stand together under their priorities. There are things which are obvious to become most priority than other things. For instance, good deeds are much more to be prioritizing than bad deeds, even if how small it is.

Adults are very specific and manageable of things and they might prioritize these things for sure:

Family. Everyone knows how important our families are. They are the one who always, think about the goodness to you, not just from your parents but also from your brothers and sisters. You might not know that they love you but surely they are always loved as the part of the family. Generally, this must be the top most priority of our lives which is very helpful to us. When we have a problem the first persons who might help us is the member of our family and we should appreciate that help. We don’t have to have a lot of friends in our life because our family is already composing of a hundreds of friends. The life gave to us from our parents should be valued and we should have to pay it back to them. And also, we should take prioritize our parents and our brothers and sister and other relatives.

Money. This is the other thing might be the top of things an adult if prioritizing. People know what the value of money in their lives is. It could buy a lot of things which is need in our everyday lives. We can buy food when we were hungry, we can buy clothes for our protection, and we can buy things which can help us in everyday work and so much more. But we know that there are things that money can’t buy, especially our happiness. But still, people always prioritize money in their lives, because they knew that without money they can’t live their lives. But sometimes people are just being practical because of their status today which needs a financial assistance. People know that if they have the money on the right time, they can turn or flip their lives upside down. That is why many people risk having a lot of money. They could risk everything even it cost half of their lives.

Career. Every adult has its own career. It can be a singer, an actor/actress, a manager, a business administrator, a president, a chairman, etc. We all know these things by profession but people are sometimes confuse what brings them their happiness. People prioritize their career because they have a lot of salary in their job, and when you have a lot of money you can buy anything that you want. Sometimes people prioritize their career because of the fame, image and popularity to others that makes them more boastful and selfish. Their pride has lost the real them. In the other side, people prioritize of their career not because of the fame and the salary but the honour they have because of that. We know that many heroes became because of their courage when it comes to their professionalism.

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