Monday, August 22, 2011

What is something on your body that shows you’ve been hurt?

People always involve in accidents and it is inevitable because people are somewhat careless in some things. We actually do things carefully but when some scenes go bad, we actually mess the whole thing and worst we have been hurt. Accidents cause pain to us which can be shown in many ways. We have been hurt by something and we know that it was a pain but sometimes others may be mistaken of what they are seeing. For instance, how can you show that your head is aching? Is there any blood leaking around your head? Or you just show how painful it is by your expressions? How can you show that your stomach is aching? Is there any blood leaking around your abs or diaphragm? Or you just show how painful it is by an expression?

Showing that you’ve been hurt can be a big deal but telling how obvious it is is somewhat easy. To show real pain and to show that your body have been hurt, there is physical evidence to make it real and to express properly. These things here are some evidence physically that shows your body have been hurt:

Bruise. Bruises are the most obvious thing on your body that shows that you’ve been hurt. Bruises may come in different sizes, different colour and different pain. Generally, the larger the bruise is the more pain it goes and the longer time to heal. Healing bruise may take time depending from its place, size and fatality on your body. When you saw some bruise in some part of a person’s body you know already that he/she have been hurt. You might ask what had happened and somewhat felt some pain just looking at the bruise. Bruises are just minor pains around your body but it can be worse if not threat properly and medically.

Scar. This thing in your body also shows that you’ve been hurt. Actually, you already know how painful it is depends on the structure of the scar. Same with the bruise, scars shows that you’ve been hurt depends on the size of it. From this thing on, if the scar is big, the damage is also big and you can think what bruise it is. Bruise will heal and can leave scars which show a history of a pain and shows that you’ve been hurt. Scars are things that make your skin ugly, dreadful and unpleasant. It leaves a mark that may never erase nor fade like it was tattooed on your body forever.

Cut. Cuts are another thing just like bruises. But medically speaking, cuts are damage on skin which cause by a sharp object. Commonly, cuts are just like damage on your skin in a form of line, whether horizontal, vertical or diagonal. They show pain just like bruises but sometimes, in some cases, cuts don’t leave any scar. Cuts are just a separation of a skin multiplying or dividing it in between. So when cuts are healed the separation or division are just glued together and may leave straight line scar or may be none. In my experience, when I have cuts in my fingers, it doesn’t leave any scar but when cuts occur in some other parts of my body, it leaves a scar.

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