Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Things that lives on your basement

In our residence, we do have some basements for a room in purpose. Basements are commonly used as a storage room that is why there are lot of things you can see down there. But we all know that we used basement for different purposes but generally for storage. We do have different things in our basement which is differently also in other things you can find in other basement. You can find such things in one basement but might not see on the other basement. But there are things in our basement which is similar to other things found in a different basement.

Mice/Rats. We know rats love to live on dirty, creepy and dark places. Basement can be considered as dirty if not cleaned and things are not arranged properly. It can also be considered as creepy because of its atmosphere that will give you a chill. It can be considered as a dark place obviously because it has no light and the sunlight is not enough and sometimes it doesn’t get in to light up the whole basement. Mice and rats love this kind of place that is why they love to live in our basements. They are considered as living organism and also considered as pest. We know that basements used as storage and mice and rats have a big role of this place. You store things that mice and rats may damage. You know, they will scratch it, they will eat it, and they will play with it. That is why they always love to live in basements because everything they need is in there especially their living and habitat.

Spiders. Like mice and rats, spiders also love the basement too. They live your basement because basement is the place where other insects live like mosquitoes for example. They love to eat mosquitoes from this place because we know that mosquitoes live this kind of place (dirty and dark) because this is the only habitat and place for them. That is why spiders love to stay and live on the basement. In some logic, mosquitoes are plenty from the basement, spiders love to eat mosquitoes, spiders find mosquitoes, spiders found it in basement, spiders webbed to catch mosquitoes, spiders catch many mosquitoes that they love to it, spiders will stay in your basement. They stay because they know where the food is, not just food but foods and is plenty. They are commonly scattered around the basement where they can find their food. They don’t live in packs or groups but they have the ability to multiply more than ten times of their own. That is why you can see a lot of spiders in your basement if you actually give a clean around.

Boogie man. At most children, they always don’t want to go down to their basement. You know how children are scared of dark. That is why if you ask them what would be a thing living in their basement they will say its boogie man, funny isn’t it. As I said recently, someone’s basement if not cleaned for a long time might be so dark, creepy and cold. We all know also that this kind of place is what our fantasies living. Monster is always there, big spiders will eat you there, there are ghosts down there, etc. We adults know that this are just fantasies that is why we don’t believe on it and we might not consider that boogie man is not a thing living in our basements. But children do believe on fairy tales, that is why they are frightened to go down their basement. But I am sure they will realize that these are just fantasies. They might consider in the future that their brothers are living in their basement, which can be the boogie man.

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