Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Friday morning seems to be not as shiny as these last few days. Following the routine, I pick some hose to water the orchids dying from an old broken body of a tree. That was one of my chores early morning before going to work. I just notice that the soil on the ground was somewhat wet, but the leaves of some trees dried up. I just thought that it was because of the fog over last night or maybe it was because of some little rain last night. I felt a little bit colder that time from the water flow from the hose then I thought it maybe the end of the hot summer days here. Too early from this month of May, I already heard news about some rains around the capital province. The clouds over the dirty sky seem to be not so blue but it blends in with its dirty colour. Some hours past, just before the noon, the sun came up but not too bright from this day. Nevertheless it eases the coldness I felt that morning ‘til lunch. The afternoon nap gone cold and the sky turn onto a dirty one. Clouds are scattered around the dirty one making it a little bit dim here around. There were no signs of droplets anywhere and the wind doesn’t change in any rate until it gone dark that night.

My night seemed to be great that kept me asleep ‘til seven in the morning. My body likes the temperature I guess. The next moment was still the same as yesterday. Wet ground, some leaves also and there are less birds tweeting. The clouds and the sky do not seem to be change either. There are no work hours today so I have to fix some things and do a lot of household chores around. After some hours, the weather change and the sky is starting to darken again. That would be a warning for a rain but I can’t see some heavy dark clouds roaming around the sky. Early afternoon it started to drop some rain. But it was just a commercial though the sky is still dark. Summer days will end sooner I thought. Hot days lasted just as two weeks and this could be a warning for a long rainy season this year.

Summer days slowly fades away these recent days. It can be a wet summer but I think this is the start of the rainy season, too early for this year as unexpected. The PAGASA calls that there is a typhoon named “Bebeng” around Luzon area and calls for another LPA (Low Pressure Area) that might be stronger than “Bebeng”. That was the news yesterday and our province got a Signal No. 1 so there will be some rains all day. The news was right that the rain kept me inside the house watching TV. I can’t leave the house to walk around like I do after workdays. It will be an adjustment for me now that the rainy season has come. I think rainy season may starts from the mid of May, and will end surely before the Semester break this coming school year. It could be a help out there in some people but I know it’s not really a beneficial thing for the others, just like me. But I really know that this season will be a great start for new opportunities and change and it’s always been a blessing from God.

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