Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to stop an argumentation?

Many people don’t want to express their feelings in a peaceful way but in a violent way and in their own worst cases. They are trying to win over argues and if there opponent resist, temper arises. They don’t know how to control their emotions and ended up with a trouble with someone. But there are few who could stand alone these cases.
If you wanted to control your temper you should make your own strategies to overcome it. These may help you ease the anger you feels with someone or something. Releasing the steam in your head may help you get over from that temper but there is a big possibility that will cause another worst argues and never-ending fight if you express it in a violent way.
Listen with your partner. Listening to each other’s cases will help end up the fight early. A clear exchange of argues without any interruptions will benefit the conversation. It will cure each other’s hard feelings and let each other explain their sides. People with hard feelings find persons who can let their shoulder to cry on.
Make your voice a little bit sweeter. If you are arguing with a full loaded person with plenty of reasons, better to lower your voice tone. Try to point out some things to him/her and say it with a slower and with low pitch voice, just like a sweet song in your music list. This will help clear things up with your partner.
Leave if you can’t. If you really don’t want to lengthen the debate and make a quick end from that argumentation, it is better not to talk and leave your partner behind. This may cause different cases with your opponent or partner. He/she might get angrier because of the feeling of being ignored. That may be the worst case if ever but leaving the arguments hanged will help each other’s side to calm.

People find their own unique ways to overcome the hard feelings they felt with someone or something. But most people do ignore these problems because they don’t want to add another mind-blogging case in their own list of problems. They just ignore it and hoping that their opponent or partner might forget about those things. This may be effective but you should know how to take the risk if ever worst things happen between you. In some cases, during an argumentation, they tried to think many good things in their mind just to ignore the hard debate and they pretend to be deaf. This is their way to ease some anger they felt over his/her enemy or partner though it doesn’t resolve their problem.

There is a little percentage of people getting involve with these cases were praying to resolve these problems. These people really don’t want themselves getting involved with a fight. They believe that one should be calm and relax to end a fight peacefully. They were praying that each of them will be enlightened and that will resolve their problems. This happens on few people though much better than to express their feelings physically.

Controlling your emotions over things will make your life less worries and enemies. Things don’t always come through your way but in God’s way. As you build your attitudes on yourself, you are also building respect from other people. You make friends out of your enemies and make your partner not just a partner. Learn how to listen to anyone, and learn how to make friends. Learn to lend your ears to and let God make His move to your life.

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