Thursday, June 9, 2011

Study Hard

Most of us Filipino student knows how to go to school, but they don’t really know how to study, I mean “study”. Apparently there is a little part of the whole student population that are really “studying”, you know the nerds around the classroom, sometimes wearing those Noynoy Aquino’s glasses and always taking the front seat of all the lecture hours. Those are expected to have a lot of “blings” around their neck in the graduation day. But what the others students do? Are they really studying? Here are the list of some cases and reasons from reasons why some Filipino students failed at school many times.

1.       Money maker. Almost all of us have big financial problems. Each of different reasons and of different cases. Students who are always having their credits cards on hand may be more playful than studying. They always want to go shopping, go out of town with friends to treat, and a lot more. This will cause an enjoyment to a student and make it a habit. That will totally lose the whole focus in their studies. I know you can do a lot of things when you have that cash on you but if you know how to save them, for future purposes maybe that will be better and focusing on your studies is the best first thing you can do as your responsibilities as of a student.

2.       DOTA. Many of us know about this game, I’m also a fun of it but not like of those students who don’t go to their classes just to play DOTA or any other PC games, neither online or not. That is one of the problems in technology these days. They use to be a bad influence for most of us students. So if you want to get over it, make a move to yourself, make a change before you lose your career being a second-to-the-last ranker in your class and be the-last ranker.

3.       Facebook games. This are cases in some students especially girls. Making projects in the internet, researching something from the web and another tab for the facebook. You can always see that from each browser in an internet café. Learn how to finish things first, remember that an early bird catches the early worm. But if you have your own desktop at home, better to cut your connection and have at least an internet plug-ins so you can use it just as you needed it.

4.       Give-up person.This is the cancer of most students, being so lazy from studying. If they don’t catch up a single or two lessons, they quit. If they don’t understand the lessons, they quit. If they knew to themselves that they could still pass the subject, they quit for the lessons. If you want to get an A++ on your exams, you should learn how to focus on your own studies. Make a move through yourself not with the help of others. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, think curious.

5.       Juan Tamad the Second. A lot of students do know how to studies, I mean they really study but losing their interest in to learn more. They confident that they knew a lot from their lessons so they don’t focus much more on studies. This is some case on those who are fast-learner. They learn fast from their lessons so when it comes to lectures about those they already knew, they don’t have any interest in. I do felt this thing in some cases but I learned to have fun in these things so that I’ll not get bored either or lose interest.

6.       Athlete of the Year. Some students don’t go for the lessons and lectures; instead, they go for any athletic game like basketball, billiards etc. They don’t have any interest because they do love sports. Maybe they don’t just do know how to manage their spare time and get lose at school.

7.       Romantic Boy/Girl. Students who are in a circle of a relationship may cause a lot if they don’t know how to manage it in the whole thing. It may be a hindrance in some lessons and lectures because of your romantic style of expressing love. Don’t get obsess with it, try to manage things and save some time for the two of you.

8.       Internet Explorer. Students find their interest as the technology still paves its way today. They are more curious and want to navigate more around the web. But they don’t notice the effect of these things they do in the web in their studies. They sometimes lose their interest in lessons and lectures causing them, in bad cases, failed in school. But it internet world may be a good thing in giving information and data to students, but it seems that students who uses internet don’t have any interest in news, articles and informative files like tutorial videos.

9.       Texter and Chatter. This is some of the business under your desk, either behind your bag or books. Some students mix this up while studying or even during lectures and lessons. They find it fun when they exchange gossips live through texting or through chatting online or offline. These students don’t have any interest in certain lessons I guess but do have more interest on topic of their co-chattters and co-texters.

Students find interest in certain things as they learn more about them. They gain a lot of fun and interest with these things so they come across certain limits just like in studies. Sports can help boost physical abilities of a student but they should learn that academic skills should be a priority. A student should have a discipline not just in their studies but in all aspects as they learn and gain more things. This can be a help for them to gain focus and manage their time properly without leaving their studies behind. Make your studies a priority and feel the success in the future.

“Follow excellence and success will chase you”.

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