Friday, June 3, 2011

Robotic Students

In different schools and learning areas, a good relationship of teachers and students is hard to keep throughout the school year or a term. Many students are so difficult to understand for the teachers as they always naughty at classes and lectures, got no idea with the topics and titles, and many more. There are many things teachers do hate in their students in different ways. Some teachers don’t really hate things that other teachers do hate in their students, those are specific things. But, there are things they share the same hate because of their students. Sometimes teachers do prefer to have a robot as their student rather than a human student because they are much better and disciplined. Plus, they are better in many things and much knowledgeable. But, there are specific reasons a teacher might prefer robots as students.

1.       Quiet. Almost all teachers hate this act of student. Obviously, it’s really irritating to someone if you have kids making noises all the time around. Every teacher hates it, same as me. Teachers do have a long patience with kids but kids don’t care about it. If they don’t want the topic they go crazy and make some noise bringing the party in the school room. Same as those older students, before a teacher enters the class, the students is making up something that really irritates you. Those students have no respect at all, even if they have hundreds of record in the guidance office. Robots are not like them. They’ll answer you if you ask them. They’ll talk to you if you talk to them. They listen to you in the whole class hours and lectures. They don’t make any noise nor murmur or chatting. But nowadays, it’s an upside down situation; teachers are now robots but not any students.

2.       Know the Answer. If a teacher asks a student what is the answer in a question, a student might replies an answer or nothing. An answer but it likely falls in a 20-50 percentage if it is right and true. But bigger percentage, or likely a hundred, for those who really studies. Teachers want their students to learn and gain knowledge from their teaching and process. But a lot of teachers are becoming lazy in teaching because they’re student don’t want to participate in any recitation or activities during class hours and lectures. But it might fall to the same ending if your students always know the answers, why do you have to teach them if they already knew a lot better than you. Nevertheless, it is better to make some relationship in a class between the teacher and the student. Teacher ask some question and the students will answer to it correctly. But for a bad case, you might really need to replace some of your students with a robot. At least they know the answer, they already know things, and more knowledgeable than you.

3.       Retain Information. In general, it is the hardest part for a student to retain all topics and information until the end of the school year. Every student has different IQs and capacity in storing information and details in their mind. Teachers notice these things after some long examinations and quizzes. Some student, really excel only in participation but not in long term exams. There are rare students who can retain what they have learned in their mind ‘til the long term examinations. Teachers are happy to know if their students really learned a lot from their teaching. They got high scores in test, means they retain and learned things. But it’s always been a bad mood for teachers if they’re students doesn’t learn something throughout the school year. They might prefer a robo-student that can always retain information starting from the first day of school until the end. They have all things in their memory. They always have a perfect score in their tests. But a robot doesn’t have any feelings.

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