Thursday, June 9, 2011

An early bird catches the early worm

Are you sick of getting up late in the morning? Always getting scolded with your boss on your work because you are always late in your schedules? Always staying outside the classroom of your first subject because you are always late? Try to make a little change in your schedules and attitudes. This may help you to get up early in the morning and not getting late on your work or classes. Some people just don’t know how to control themselves though getting up early in the morning is just a simple way to discipline you. These are some tips that I’d experienced and made a lot of changes on myself in getting up early in the morning.

1.       Don’t place your alarm around you. People don’t want some irritating noise when they are sleeping so they set their alarms with different tunes to wake them up. But some people do fall sleep very deep as they don’t notice their alarms ringing. But if you want to get up yourself early in the morning, best don’t place your alarms around you or in place you can reach it. So when the alarm rings, you can’t grab and get rid of it. When you place your alarm just a few meters around your bed and when it begins to ring, you’ll sure get up in your bed finding where you place you alarm clock. The time when you are looking for the alarm may help clear your mind and ease some illusions after you dream. It also helps you to stop going back on your bed after you cleared your mind. Some people set their alarm around them, but when the time it rings up, they just grab it and the sounds are done. But still they don’t get up on bed. Make this a habit and see the result on your own eyes.

2.       Get on your bed early in the night. Making a sweet dream during a deep sleep may be an effect of an early getting on your bed in the night. This is the basic tips for you to wake up early in the morning and make a lot of chores around. Learn how to finish your works around at night to make an early sleep in your bed. Things may be hard for you when you start this tip when you knew to yourself that your sleeping hours start late at night. If you want to get on your bed early, make it a quick lie when you feel you are sleepy. This will help you to fall asleep fast and in an early time at night. To make it a deep sleep, try fixing your bed as you desire to increase the relaxing theme around your bed. If you want to, try also counting some sheep in your imagination or listen some Opera sounds.

3.       Make someone a help. Asking someone to wake you up early in the morning is the best help you can have in the first thing. Make sure to choose a person that really woke up very early in the morning and who is willing to help you in that thing every working day. You are lucky if you have a lot of choice but much luckier if you make them in with the deal. Just give them something like a reward or an appreciation for their help for waking you up in the morning. Nevertheless, don’t make it a habit to let him/her do that chore every working day. If you felt the adjustment on your own, try stopping them from waking you up in the morning. The change on you will be a daily exercise.

4.       Make it a habit. Let everyone in the house know that you can now wake up yourself early in the morning without using any of those helps I mention. If you make it an exercise daily, you will have a great change in your schedules. Aside from not using others help, you can greatly do a lot of things as you get up on your bed early. Nevertheless, you are not like that of a busy person coming always late at work or at school. Make it a daily habit and you’ll see how an early bird catches the early worm.

Making things done may have used a lot of effort especially a lot of time. Be always at the time, but its best to be in before that time.

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