Friday, June 24, 2011

E-mail Spamming

Everyone knows about e-mails and everyone knows how to use it because it lessens the effort and time of human to communicate with others in a short period of time. Through a computer or any gadget that can browse the web in any e-mail interactive, you can use and manipulate messages here.

Before, scammers and bullies used to scare people through messaging forcing them to do what bullies want them to do. As they are in our generation, they also become more techie and become more desperate to use any way just to bully someone or scam someone, in no exact time and place. They will spam your e-mail inbox a lot of messages and forcing you to do something.

Chain e-mails are ordinary spam letters that you see sometimes in your mailbox or spam. When you go online in many different social networking sites, you also risking yourself for receiving a lot of unexpected letters usually spam or chain letters. Anyway, web is the biggest online or free gateway for all different persons with different intensions.

Senders of these letters also victim of another victim of another victim of a chain letter. This kind of letter urges you a lot of things but the most thing you might do with a chain e-mail is to forward it. You receive an e-mail, read the whole letter and come to think with something. This e-mail urges you to forward it because of the threat it gave to you. You are scared about the content you read and it forces you to do something. Forwarding this kind of letter is really a waste of time, but sometimes you wanted to forward it not because they threated you or scared you but it also depends on the content of the letter. There are times you just want to share something fresh or funny with your friends or you just wanted to spread the chain e-mail you received.

For busy persons who really don’t have any time for reading chain e-mails and forwarding it, they just delete it. Chain e-mails not just urges you to forward it but to delete it. People involved in internet, especially in an e-mail world really come for a business and they don’t want to take any deal with wasteful things. They don’t have any care for reading chain e-mails. They read it and they get mad and disappointed from the content. At first you just read the introduction of the letter but if you knew that it was just a chain e-mail, you move your cursor into the “delete” area on your screen and hit the left side of your mouse. That was the other chain e-mails urges you to do, delete it.

Cyber scammers and bullies don’t want any other businesses delaying their intension to scare and threaten people through their own way. Chain e-mails also urge you to reply and send some money to the sender. Bullies and scammers really are great story makers and have many reasons just to convince you to do what they want, usually to send them some money. Their chain letters are really persuasive for the readers that they can manipulate their readers not just to send them money but to do a lot of things.

Internet is the best way to do and invest good things but not bad things. There are persons really has the intension to do bad things through different ways so better to keep your guard high. Nevertheless, when you receive some chain e-mails, better to delete it or better to report about it.

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