Sunday, September 4, 2011

What would a taxi driver have to stop doing in order to become a respectable hearse driver?

Taxi is one of the fastest ways of transportation we can afford today. There are other ways of transportation but taxis are more benefits to give us like they are air-conditioned cars which gives us a warm comfortable atmosphere around while travelling, taxi drivers know the fastest way to get into such place, they know how to accompany with his customers, they are more reliable and know how to manage things when an undesirable thing happens. Taxi drivers are always everywhere in the city because having your taxi is a business and a job. This job needs some attitude and other good characteristic in able to earn not just money but respect and honour.

Some other taxi drivers just wanted to earn money so they don’t care about the customer’s personal and private things. They just care about their money, nothing at all. Some bad taxi drivers can caused you trouble like you’ll be robbed, you’ll get involve in a road accident, etc. Some just don’t have all the attitude you are looking for a taxi driver because they are just taxi drivers and don’t really know and don’t really care about their job. Some does really bad habits during a course or travel. But what would a taxi driver have to stop doing in order to become respectable one?

Fast/Reckless. Being fast/reckless driver shows that they are not concerned with their customers. There must be a reason why they were doing these things: they found some fun while driving in a fast speed and that they forget to accompany their customers, they want to serve and take their customers in their course fast and reckless so they can pick up another customer, they are running for something that their job will be ruined, etc. In short, most of these fast and reckless taxi drivers are just after their customer’s money. Like I said recently, most of them are not concerned just to take them and leave with their money. They don’t think the possibilities when doing this fast and reckless attitude. They didn’t know they could be involve in an accident or imprisoned in jail for years. If they just could stop being reckless and fast, road accident will decrease in percentage involving taxis and they can earn respect from their customers.

Charging Fare. This is the worst attitude a taxi driver can have. Charging fare to customers is not a fair act between a driver and its customer. There are cases that a driver can charge or add fares because of inevitable economic conditions but it is really obvious that they just want some money if they charge fare that is not conditionally stated by some organizations. This attitude must be change in a taxi driver if he wanted to be a respectful one. The customer should have been threaten with a good service and must have a good satisfaction. You are not fast and reckless driver but you are charging fares so you are still a bad taxi driver. In this case, a taxi driver with this condition is still after the customer’s money though a part of strategic earning but still a bad way for any taxi drivers. I experienced that sometimes but still there are still taxi drivers that are honest with their profession.

Picking people up. We know that taxis are hired for private transportation and that is somewhat exclusive. You know what really makes a taxi driver not respectful is that they still picking up people even if there is already a passenger or a customer inside the car. I knew this situation that if you ride a taxi at your own and you wanted and expected to take your course alone then suddenly the taxi driver slows down aside to pick up another person with the same route as you. This is actually one of the worst things may happen to you as a customer of taxi. You hire a taxi to take you on your privately then the taxi driver want to earn some more that they will pick up another person to take along with you. Sometimes these people are their relative or friends but sometimes you don’t care about that, you just wanted to take you on our route alone. Still this habit must be change to earn some respect with people.

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