Saturday, September 3, 2011

What things you like to have of your own instead of borrowing when staying at someone’s house?

Whenever I would be planning to have a stay into another house, mostly in my relatives’ I actually have a lot of things to keep and manage so that I wouldn’t have any problem when I am staying in there. We learn to pack our own things whenever we have to stay at someone else’s house and these things are our personals. We used to prepare and pack things depending on how long we will be staying there. Sometimes there are other persons that always have a lot of things to pack and prepare even though these persons are just staying for a day or a night. That was their attitude sometimes while there are some that doesn’t need a thing or just packing the things in need. There are persons doesn’t need anything or they are packing nothing because all their need is already in the house were these persons are staying.

When we think of packing our things, we always choose the things we will probably often use. We don’t want actually to borrow some things when we already into the house where were staying. But when staying at someone’s house, what things you like to have of your own instead of borrowing?

Toothbrush. We always used to pack a toothbrush in our bag whenever we are staying into someone else’s house. Of course you don’t want to borrow toothbrush to any person in that house that would be disgusting. Toothbrush is one of our belongings which should be personal means every person must have their own. You own your toothbrush I own mine. We also know the risk of using someone else’s toothbrush that it can cause some undesirable diseases. When using someone else’s toothbrush you just allow too to transfer some bacteria the owner of that toothbrush you are using has. Or in other case, you can think you just have a kiss to that person, doesn’t matter man to man, woman to woman. There are cases that we borrow a toothbrush just to clean are teeth but I refer not to borrow a toothbrush to someone else’s because it is much safer even if you will brush for a second.

Clothes. My mother doesn’t want me to borrow some clothes to my younger brother even if it is just a jacket. I told her that I will just use it for an hour but she still refuse. When I ask her why, she told me that I am risking my body to allow some harmful and not harmful bacteria to come. She is definitely right so I have to agree with her. When staying at someone else’s house, I always prefer to pack my own clothes to use when staying there. I always reminded with my mother’s words when I don’t have a clothes and tempted to borrow to others. I prefer not to borrow any clothes to others than to allow millions of bacteria to enter my whole body. I don’t change clothes if I don’t have any more clothes to wear so I always wash my clothes weekly. It’s just like a toothbrush though clothes are light when it comes to expose you to millions of bacteria. Washing clothes do not clean and wash away all of bacteria though it does to some but it not clearly clean the whole cloth.

Soap.  Sometimes there are things that we consider clean but is also the dirtiest among others. Soap as we consider being a cleaner with its ability to wash away dirt and bacteria can be the way also to transfer the same dirt and bacteria to others. Sometimes we are not bothering by this thing but a small one can affect a whole thing or body. Some bacteria and dirt does not kill by soap though washes away from one’s body. These bacteria and dirt are then stuck to the soap because of its sticky form when activated in water. In this way, the soap now is the way to cause a disease. That is why when staying in someone else’s house, I prefer to buy your own soap for your own use and do not borrow some soap to others that it may cause some disease. Remember that you come to a house clean and healthy and don’t want to leave there with some itchy things anywhere on your body. 

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