Saturday, September 24, 2011

Orlando Claude Brown - Dies at 40

Orlando Claude Brown is an American football player under the university of South Carolina State University playing offensive tackle in his strategies in NFL.

He was found dead at his condominium in his Baltimore area last Friday.

He dies at the age of 40 with not yet confirmed cause of death.

His coach, John Harbaugh sends his condolence to the families of one of his great player.

"We send our condolences to the family of Orlando Brown. Everybody knew what he meant to this organization. We're forever grateful for what he did for the present team. We can't express enough sorrow for his loss," said John Harbaugh to Carroll Country Times.

He obtained the nickname "Zeus" because of his astonishing energetic games during his early years. But he was became infamous after he had an eye accident during their fight with the Jacksonville Jaguars around 1999.

Referee Jeff Triplette hit Brown's eye by a penalty marker weighted with ball bearings.

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