Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What things are the most listed in a New Year’s Resolution?

We all know what New Year’s Resolution is, it’s a list of things that we changed and we must do throughout the year. It’s more like a to-do list or just a rules and regulations made by ourselves. And because of that, many New Year’s Resolution was not keep in a year. They thought that these rules were made by themselves and they have also the right to obey or abandon these regulations.

And now for another start of the year, we have already made our own New Year’s Resolution. We have our own changes and rules for ourselves and we all hope that we could keep these promises. But what are the most common things which are listed in a New Year’s Resolution?

Go on a Diet. Maybe most of people who made a New Year’s Resolution have these words in their list. Diet, reduce food taking in, don’t eat too much, don’t eat foods with high cholesterol, eat healthy foods, be a vegetarian, take pills, etc. These are just some examples for the phrase “Go on a Diet” which is in many New Year’s Resolution.

I don’t have any statistics for the population who barely needs a diet but I am sure that it could be such part which means many of us all around the world is in diet. Every year we wish to be a healthy person and so the word diet comes in. That is why it is also a popular word in our list in New Year’s Resolution.

Quit Smoking. Well, it is very alarming for us that smoking is a deadly activity but others seem to have no care about the effect of smoking to their health. Smokers knew about this kind of thing, that they could die because of this deadly habit. Smoking is never easy to stop for a smoker. For many smokers around the world, the two words “Quit smoking” might be in their New Year’s Resolution.

There are many smokers around the world, but only few of them have concern about their health. Nor they had it in their New Year’s Resolution it is hard for them to keep it because smoking for smokers can’t stop for a sudden. But other smokers had their own strategies to stop this bad habit and in that way they can keep their words in their New Year’s resolution.

Change Bad Attitude/Habit. This is the most common things that could be written in every New Year’s Resolution. I will not be a hard-headed person anymore, I will woke up early in the morning, I will do the household chores, I will be a good person to my enemies, I will be helpful to my family, I will carry my own responsibilities, I will not be temperamental anymore, I will not be mad at all small things, I will not, I will not, I will, I will, etc. These are just examples that might be listed in our New Year’s Resolution. Over all, it is for our own improvement and purpose.

There are times that we can’t keep these promises to ourselves throughout the year. Just because it is too hard for us, we forgot about it, etc. How can we earn trust to others if we can’t trust ourselves for these simple things? Bad habits/attitudes are meant to be change and meant to improve not to be worst but to be better.

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