Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Before Turning Nighty in (19)

December 19, 2011 – This Monday has the meaning of hard work for this was a very busy day for me. Monday morning was such pleasant because of the good weather. These recent days, the weather was not fine because of Typhoon Sendong but I thank God for the very good weather for the start of the day.

Household chores chased me and that my Mom needs some help for it. The changing of the power outlet bought me some time to make some rest after my breakfast. It was easy for me to do this kind of things because of my course. After changing the power outlet, I was tasked to remove some unnecessary thing under the roof (we don’t have a ceiling). It was easy to remove the wood but I noticed something that is needed to change the place in order use so I ask my Mom what to do about that.

It is a hanger for wet clothes. This is a very tiring thing I say, you will hang up yourself to remove each nails that clipped the hanger. It was hard for me because the thing that keeps me tired is the heat that comes to me by staying just inches under the roof. After removing the hanger, I need to replace its position in a place where it can be used. Now the nailing part is easy for I will not hang my self anymore.

After these tiring businesses, I fall asleep and had a late lunch because of it. My afternoon was meant for updating and fixing some things around my blog and it took me hours to finish. Now I forgot the date that tomorrow (December 20) is my birthday because of this busy day. There are thoughts now that comes to my mind, or maybe I was just too excited for tomorrow. But I’m still glad that Lord made me a very useful person this day.

Now is the last day of being an 18 year old man and tomorrow is another journey for me as a teenager.

Age only means a number and just a numerical value,
Being yourself in all times and ages describe only you;
Time will change and test your personality,
But to live with God is to live in eternity

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