Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What food you would make if you were hungry, but didn’t want to cook?

Sometimes people are so busy that they couldn’t do other chores in their home like cleaning around especially cooking. I know it’s because of their schedule because they are somewhat workaholic.

When a person can’t do other things because of business, they tend to hire some service to other people. For instance in cleaning, they hire a maid for cleaning chores in the house, they hire a driver for faster and safer transportation, they hire a security guard for security, they hire a cook for their food, etc.

There are many more services to be hired but there are also persons who don’t want to hire someone. They are so busy but still they try and fix those to-do lists. In cooking, a busy person might cook or don’t’ if they are really hungry. A hungry person might cook food which are easy prepare and they are:

Sandwich. If you are hungry but don’t want to cook for food, a sandwich is the best choice to eat. Sandwich is the easiest food you can make if you are really hungry just place something in between two bread loaves or slice and you’re done.

A traditional sandwich is just an arrangement of some spreads (it could be catchup, mustard, cheese, etc.) in between a two slice of loaves. Ham, egg, and patty are also common for the sandwich. Lettuce, tomato, and pickles are also another common spreads for a sandwich.

Making a sandwich is very easy and it will only take just a minute to arrange these ingredients. So if you are really hungry but didn’t want to cook for food, making a sandwich is the best choice.

Cereal. For breakfast, the easiest and fastest way to make food without cooking is cereal. Unlike sandwich, a cereal has fewer ingredients. There are many kinds of cereal like those which are flavoured with chocolate and in bigger forms and those who are in size of grains of wheat.

We all know that to prepare or to cook these cereals you just need a liquid. Milk and hot water are the common for this preparation; milk for those chocolate flavoured cereals and in bigger sizes; hot water for the wheat grain kind of cereal. Just add the two ingredients and you are done.

Making cereal for a meal is very easy and needs a fewer preparation and ingredient. This is also a good choice for those hungry persons who didn’t want to cook for food.

Instant Noodles. These foods are like cereals, you just need a hot water to prepare the food. As easy as it is, you just have to pour the hot water to the noodle and wait for just a minute or two and you are done.

Instant noodles can be very useful in times of hunger. It is also comes with different flavours so that people may enjoy the meal. These flavours are spices that you put together with the hot water and the noodles.

Though instant noodles are one of the easiest foods to make, it is not the best choice for a hungry person to eat because eating instant noodles are not that good for the health of our body. It is not advisable to take in oftentimes but I think that can be a good choice to just feel your stomach for a hungry moment.

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